US Election 2020: 8 times Barack Obama destroyed Trump in latest speech
US Election 2020: 8 times Barack Obama destroyed Trump in latest speech
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Whether you agree with former US president Barack Obama’s political decisions or not, there’s one thing you’d hardly argue about — his oratory skills. In his speech yesterday, Barack Obama mustered support for Joe Biden for the upcoming US Election 2020 where he delivered scathing attacks at Trump.

You may not want to hear the entire speech of the former American president at a Pennsylvania drive-in rally (which spans over 30 minutes), hence, we present to you 8 instances where Obama attacked Trump:

The former US president started off by slamming Trump for “not taking the presidency seriously” saying that the billionaire’s policies were aimed at benefiting him and his friends only.

He also made light of the US president’s reality TV show,

“He hasn’t shown any interest in doing the work, or helping anybody but himself and his friends, or treating the presidency like a reality show that he can use to get attention,” said Obama. “And by the way, even his TV ratings are [going] down, so you know that upsets him.”

Obama slammed Trump, referring to the NYT article about a secret Trump bank account in China.

“How is that possible? A secret bank account in China? Listen, can you imagine if I had a secret Chinese bank account, when I was running for re-election? You think Fox News might have been a bit concerned about that? They would have called me Beijing Barry,” says Obama.

As if that was not enough, he said: “It is not a great idea to have a president that owes money overseas,” said Obama.

Trump made headlines, as much as he didn’t want to, when he paid $750 in tax a few months ago. Obama didn’t let go of that knowledge either and fired shots at the US president.

“I think I might have paid more taxes that year,” said Obama, referring to the amount of tax he paid long before he was the “most powerful man in the world” and was employed at a Baskin-Robbins outlet. “Working at dispensing ice cream. How is that possible?”

The US president is often blamed for not taking the novel coronavirus seriously and as a result, causing the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans from the infection.

“We literally left this White House a pandemic playbook that would have showed them how to respond before the virus reached our shores,” said Obama. “They probably used it to, I don’t know, probably prop up a wobbly table somewhere,” he joked.

Now that HAS to hurt. Referring to Trump’s incessant tweeting on every other issue and his Twitter feuds with journalists, politicians and celebrities, Obama categorically told the incumbent US president that instead of being on social media, “you have to put in the work”.

“You’ve got to have a plan, you’ve got to put in the work,” he said. “Making stuff up doesn’t make people’s lives better.”

Was this a swipe at Trump’s earlier claim that injecting bleach cures coronavirus?

Obama stated that the Trump-Pence administration inherited a booming economy left by the Obama-Biden government. “But like everything else he inherited, he messed it up,” said Obama, summarising Trump’s alleged failures in one sentence.

Speaking about a news story by The Atlantic which claimed that Trump had referred to 1,800 American troops who died at Belleau Wood as “suckers” and “losers”, Obama expressed disgust at the American president’s alleged callous remarks and wondered “who does that”.

“These heroes are somebody’s children. Somebody’s spouses, their dad, their mom. He [Joe Biden] understands that and he will restore our standing in the world,” said Obama.

That the American president never bites his tongue for anybody is common knowledge. He has also had trouble with the press and made headlines for all the wrong reasons by retweeting conspiracy theories.

Obama reminded the Americans how once, Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory that Osama bin Laden wasn’t killed by the US Navy Seals.

“You’ll be able to go about your lives knowing the president is not gonna be retweeting conspiracy theories,” he said, painting a picture for the crowd as to what the situation would be like if Biden wins the US Election 2020. “Think about that. The president of the United States retweeted that [Osama conspiracy theory]. Imagine. What? What?”