During news briefing, the spokesman said that China closely follows the situation in the Kashmir region. Our position on the Kashmir matter is consistent and clear, he clarified.

Wenbin said that the Kashmir issue is a dispute left over from history between Pakistan and India, which is an objective fact established by the United Nations Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements between the arch rivals.

The Kashmir region issue should be properly and peacefully resolved through dialogue and consultation between the parties concerned, he suggested.

Earlier, the United Nations Security Council had expressed deep concern over the current situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).

The Council which met at the request of Pakistan on the occasion of completion of one year of Indian illegal actions to abrogate special status of occupied territory was briefed on the current situation.

The closed-door meeting was presided over by Ambassador of Indonesia.

The Security Council members expressed the hope that relevant parties would exercise restraint and properly resolve relevant issues through dialogue to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.