Pakistan congratulates India on Chandrayaan-3’s success
Pakistan congratulates India on Chandrayaan-3’s success
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In a significant gesture of goodwill and scientific cooperation, Pakistan congratulated India on the successful Moon landing of Chandrayaan-3.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch made these remarks during her weekly press briefing in Islamabad.

“Pakistan’s reaching out to congratulate India on its achievement of reaching the Moon’s South Pole with Chandrayaan-3 signifies the importance of international collaboration in space exploration,” said Mumtaz Zahra Baloch.

“India’s achievement is a remarkable milestone, and we extend our congratulations to the Indian scientists who made this mission possible.”

Baloch also expressed Pakistan’s commitment to multilateralism and its role in promoting global peace and development through various international organizations.

She emphasised that Pakistan would continue to foster international cooperation and support inclusive multilateralism.

Responding to concerns about terrorism emanating from Afghanistan, the spokesperson reiterated Pakistan’s stance. “We have repeatedly shared our concerns with Afghan authorities regarding the terrorism threat originating from their territory.

We expect them to honor their commitments not to allow their land to be used for terrorism against other countries, including Pakistan.“

On the issue of Taiwan, Baloch reaffirmed Pakistan’s adherence to the One China policy. “We regard Chinese Taipei as an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China, and our position on this matter remains consistent and principled.”

Baloch also condemned recent Indian ceasefire violations on the Line of Control, terming them “unacceptable” and urging India to desist from such actions to maintain the ceasefire understanding.

In another development, Pakistan Rangers arrested six Indian smugglers near the Indian border who were attempting to smuggle into Pakistani territory. The spokesperson highlighted Pakistan’s commitment to maintaining security along its borders.

Baloch concluded by stating that details regarding Pakistan’s participation in the United Nations General Assembly session would be provided in due course, and expressed Pakistan’s reservations about incidents of terrorism originating from Afghanistan, emphasizing the Afghan administration’s assurance that such actions would not be used against Pakistan.

The Foreign Office spokesperson also mentioned that the issue of Hurriyat leaders in Occupied Kashmir and the recent incident involving suspected Afghan nationals caught in Azad Kashmir would be addressed by relevant authorities. She further noted that Pakistan would continue to engage with foreign diplomats and officials, terming such interactions as a normal part of the diplomatic process.