Balochistan’s Fiscal Outlook
Balochistan’s Fiscal Outlook

Fiscal projections for Balochistan in the upcoming fiscal year paint a promising picture of growth and development. With increased revenues, prudent financial allocations, and strategic investments in key sectors, the province is poised for a trajectory of prosperity. It is imperative for all stakeholders to collaborate and ensure the effective utilization of funds for the betterment of Balochistan’s populace and the sustainable advancement of the province.

As the new fiscal year approaches, Balochistan finds itself at a crucial juncture with a commendable increase in revenues forecasted. With a difference of 25 billion, the revenues are expected to rise to 955 billion rupees, while the volume of expenses will be 930 billion rupees. This revelation sets a positive tone for the province, signaling potential economic growth and development on the horizon.


Addressing the media in a post-budget press conference, Finance Minister Mir Shoaib Noshirwani highlighted that a substantial portion of the revenue, amounting to 726 billion rupees, will be provided by the federal government. This injection of funds from the federal level reflects a cooperative effort to bolster the economic prospects of Balochistan.


Delving deeper into the financial allocations, it is revealed that from the distributable pool, various sectors will receive funding. Street transfers are set at 20.5 billion rupees, development grants at 59 billion rupees, and non-development grants at 20 billion rupees. These allocations demonstrate a comprehensive approach to cater to both infrastructural development and social welfare programs within the province.


Forecasts for revenue generation in Balochistan are optimistic, with an estimated revenue of up to 124 billion rupees. This figure comprises tax income of 47 billion rupees, non-tax income of 18 billion rupees, and an additional 58 billion rupees expected from lease extension bonuses. These revenue streams are essential for sustaining the province’s fiscal health and funding crucial public services.


In the budget allocation for the upcoming fiscal year, a significant portion of more than 930 billion rupees has been earmarked for developmental activities. Non-development expenses of 609 billion rupees will support the growth of various sectors, while 321 billion rupees have been allocated for development projects. This balanced approach reflects a commitment to both current operational needs and future sustainability.


The Provincial Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) has been allocated 219 billion rupees, indicating a focus on infrastructure and long-term developmental projects. Additionally, Balochistan is anticipated to receive 73 billion rupees for federally funded projects and 28 billion rupees for foreign aid projects, demonstrating collaboration at national and international levels for economic progress.


Noteworthy increases in sector-specific budgets highlight a strategic approach to resource allocation. The education sector, with a budget of 146 billion rupees and a 52% increase, underscores the province’s commitment to investing in human capital. Similarly, allocations for law and order at 93 billion rupees and health sector at 57 billion rupees reflect a prioritization of essential public services.


In a bid to empower local governance structures, the budget for local bodies has seen a significant rise of 108% compared to the previous fiscal year. The increased allocation from 16 billion to 35 billion rupees is aimed at decentralizing power and enhancing grassroots governance mechanisms.


Recognizing the pressing issue of climate change, the budget for environmental protection has surged by 84% to 9 million rupees. This allocation signifies a proactive stance towards environmental sustainability and conservation efforts within the province.


Substantial budget increments ranging from 30 to 90% have been allocated to 21 departments including Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Labour, Industries, Urban Planning, Energy, Communication, Tourism, and Sports. These boosts in sector-specific funding underscore a strategic vision for sectoral growth and diversification.

