Upholding Judicial Independence
Upholding Judicial Independence

As the courts and Judiciary continues its emancipation and deliberations and calls for comprehensive measures to safeguard judicial independence, it is essential for all stakeholders, including the government, intelligence agencies, and members of the judiciary, to work in harmony towards a common goal. A judiciary that is free from external pressures and independent in its decision making. Only through collective efforts and a commitment to upholding the rule of law can the judiciary fulfill its paramount duty of delivering justice impartially and fairly. By addressing the challenges of interference and intimidation head on, the judiciary can strengthen its foundations and emerge as a beacon of justice and fairness in Pakistan.

The judges expressed concerns over intimidation and interfering in judicial matters, prompting the Supreme Court to take suo motu action to address these grievances. During the extensive hearing, which was broadcast live on the court’s YouTube channel, the bench emphasized the responsibility of the government, particularly the prime minister, in overseeing the operations of intelligence agencies. This recognition underscores the need for a clear delineation of powers and mechanisms to prevent undue influence on the judiciary.


One of the key takeaways from the court proceedings is the call for proper legislation to safeguard judicial independence. Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa rightly pointed out that legislation is essential to address issues of interference and intimidation faced by the judiciary. By enacting laws that clearly define the roles and responsibilities of intelligence agencies, as well as mechanisms for accountability, the judiciary can be shielded from external pressures. Court highlighted the need for a robust framework to address instances of interference, intimidation, and breaches of judicial independence. By establishing a system that enables judges to report any attempts to undermine their autonomy, as well as mechanisms for swift and effective redress, a culture of accountability can be fostered within the judiciary.


In a recent development, the Supreme Court of Pakistan made a significant observation regarding the functioning of intelligence agencies, bringing to light issues of interference in judicial affairs. The six member larger bench, led by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa, delved deep into the matter, acknowledging the crucial role of intelligence agencies and the need for accountability and independence of the judiciary. The court’s scrutiny of the alleged interference by intelligence agencies, as highlighted in a letter from six judges of Islamabad High Court, underscores the critical importance of upholding judicial independence.


The observations made by Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, who stressed the importance of building a firewall against interference in judicial affairs, are particularly pertinent. His call for a comprehensive strategy to prevent such interferences, both from external and internal sources, resonates with the broader goal of ensuring the judiciary’s independence and efficacy. Justice Athar Minallah’s assertion that intelligence agencies operate under the prime minister and are accountable to the premier underscores the need for clear lines of authority and oversight. By establishing a framework that holds both agencies and government officials accountable for their actions, the judiciary can operate free from external pressures and undue influence. The proposals put forth by the high court judges, seeking modifications to the code of conduct for judges, as well as measures to prosecute those involved in unlawful activities such as phone tapping or video recording, highlight the need for stringent safeguards to protect judicial independence.


Such proactive measures can deter future attempts to undermine the judiciary’s autonomy and integrity. In conclusion, the Supreme Court’s observations on the role of intelligence agencies and the imperative need for legislation and accountability in upholding judicial independence herald a new era of transparency and integrity within the judiciary.

