Crafting FY Budget
Crafting FY Budget

The upcoming budget is a crucial opportunity for the new government to demonstrate its commitment to the people of Balochistan. By prioritizing development, managing non developmental needs effectively, and exploring new revenue avenues, the government can lay the foundation for a brighter future for the province. The success of this budget will depend on the government’s ability to strike a balance between competing needs, engage with the public, and ensure transparency in its financial dealings.

Drafting a budget that caters to both development needs and essential expenditures requires a delicate balancing act. The new government must prioritize efficient resource allocation, explore new revenue streams, and ensure transparency throughout the process. By fostering public participation and prioritizing development, the government can craft a budget that paves the way for a more prosperous and equitable Balochistan.

For the budget to be truly public friendly, transparency and citizen participation are essential. The government should organize pre – budget consultations with citizens, civil society organizations, and business representatives to understand their priorities and incorporate them into the budget. Make the budget document publicly accessible in a clear and understandable format. This allows citizens to scrutinize spending and hold the government accountable.

To increase Balochistan’s fiscal space and prioritize development, exploring new revenue streams is critical. Balochistan is rich in mineral resources. The government can develop a transparent and efficient mechanism for extracting and managing these resources, ensuring the benefits reach the people. Improving tax collection efficiency can significantly boost government revenue. Streamlining procedures, minimizing tax evasion, and broadening the tax base are crucial steps. The government should engage in constructive dialogue with the federal government to ensure Balochistan receives its fair share of national resources.

While development is paramount, neglecting non-developmental expenditures can cripple progress. A sustainable debt management strategy is crucial. The budget should prioritize debt servicing while exploring avenues for debt restructuring or forgiveness. Clearing outstanding electricity dues to the federal government is essential for ensuring uninterrupted power supply, vital for businesses and households. Maintaining security is a prerequisite for development. The budget should allocate resources for strengthening law enforcement agencies and promoting peace initiatives.

Balochistan’s development deficit is undeniable. The province lags behind in critical areas like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social welfare. A budget that prioritizes development spending would allocate funds towards building and repairing roads, bridges, and irrigation systems is crucial for connecting remote areas, facilitating trade, and boosting agricultural productivity. Investing in education is an investment in the future. Allocating resources for quality education, teacher training, and improved facilities will empower Balochistan’s youth. Enhancing healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and access to medical supplies, is essential for the well-being of citizens. Programs that provide safety nets for the vulnerable, such as widows, orphans, and the elderly, are essential for social stability.

Formulating a budget that prioritizes the common man while ensuring development becomes an intricate challenge. Earning additional revenue streams and bolstering the provincial income requires meticulous planning by the finance minister, along with the departments of planning and development and finance. This will be the new government’s first major test after the February 8th elections.

The newly elected government of Balochistan faces a daunting task: crafting a public-friendly fiscal budget for the upcoming year. The province, grappling with significant challenges, must strike a delicate balance between development projects and essential non-development expenditures.

The core issue lies in the historical struggle to achieve equilibrium between these sectors. Balochistan’s financial burden is heavy, with a significant portion of the budget dedicated to debt servicing, electricity dues to the federal government, law and order maintenance, and other pressing issues. This leaves less than half the budget available for crucial development initiatives. Above all budgeting is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations. Budgeting is telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went. A budget tells us what we can’t afford.
