SBPs monetary policy stance
SBPs monetary policy stance

In line with the global trend observed within developed economies, the State Bank of Pakistan has demonstrated sagacity in maintaining its key policy rate at a steady 22 percent. This decision aligns with the central bank’s commitment to enforcing a tighter monetary policy stance, characterized by positive real interest rates, in order to curtail inflationary pressures and achieve the targeted inflation range of 5-7 percent by September 2025.

Despite facing considerable pressure from the business community urging for immediate rate cuts due to the substantial decrease in inflation rates, the State Bank has reaffirmed its stance in anticipation of various imminent challenges. These challenges include the escalating global oil and commodity prices, exacerbated by the deteriorating situation in the Middle East, the implementation of fiscal consolidation measures, the anticipated resolution of circular debt issues in the energy sector amidst negotiations for a new IMF program, and the delays in monetary easing by advanced economies. Acknowledging these potential risks and uncertainties, the decision to uphold the existing policy rate displays a prudent approach to monetary policy management.


Advocates for a reduction in interest rates present a convincing case by highlighting the recent decline in headline inflation by approximately 10 percentage points over the past three months. They argue that the current positive real interest rates have created room for the implementation of monetary easing measures, especially considering the stable rupee, foreign exchange reserves, and an improving current account balance. Moreover, they emphasize the ongoing economic challenges, such as subdued growth leading to unemployment, record-high financial costs for businesses, and an increase in bad loans within the banking sector. These factors underscore the need for a proactive approach to stimulate economic activity and alleviate financial strains on businesses. However, the opposing argument in favor of maintaining the current policy rate remains more compelling. Despite the gradual decrease in inflation rates, the current levels remain relatively high, necessitating further caution in prematurely lowering interest rates. Concerns regarding the stability of recent economic progress are valid, as a swift reduction in interest rates could reignite consumer demand, potentially leading to a surge in imports, currency depreciation, and a resurgence of inflationary pressures. Additionally, the anticipated delay in interest rate cuts by the United States underscores the imperative for the State Bank to closely monitor global economic trends and their potential implications on domestic economic conditions.


In light of these considerations, the decision of the State Bank to retain the key policy rate at 22 percent reflects a prudent and forward-thinking approach to monetary policy. By maintaining significantly positive real interest rates, the bank aims to safeguard against potential risks and uncertainties in both domestic and global economic environments until inflationary pressures subside. Rather than succumb to immediate pressures for monetary easing, the central bank’s steadfast commitment to stability and sustainability in economic policy indicates a measured and calculated response to prevailing challenges. In conclusion, the State Bank’s decision to uphold the key policy rate at the current level demonstrates a strategic and prudent approach to monetary policy management. By prioritizing the maintenance of positive real interest rates and considering the potential risks posed by both domestic and international factors, the central bank has shown resilience in navigating complex economic conditions. As the nation progresses towards achieving its inflation target and ensuring macroeconomic stability, the State Bank’s stance on monetary policy sets a solid foundation for sustainable economic growth and resilience in the face of evolving global challenges.