Justice emerges triumphant
Justice emerges triumphant

Justice – like a mighty river, eventually finds its course, overcoming all obstacles and prevailing in the end.

Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, a former judge of Islamabad High Court (IHC), has now finally received a wedge of justice after a tough and long struggle. Decision by the Supreme Court labeling his dismissal as illegal was a significant win for him. This victory highlights the importance of sticking to fair trial principles and due process in our legal system. Siddiqui filed a petition with the Supreme Court asking to cancel the notice that got him sacked as an IHC judge. Five member bench of the superior judiciary elegantly realized that the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) didn’t follow the rules of a fair trial as stated in Article 10-A of the constitution. By arguing the SJC’s decision and the president’s notice that followed, the Supreme Court has fixed a huge fatal mistake. This recent judgment not only puts Shoukat Aziz Siddiqui back as a retired IHC judge but also gives him all the benefits and pension he deserves. Court also acknowledged how serious Siddiqui’s accusations were against former ISI chief General Faiz Hameed and some others, stressing that these allegations need serious attention.

It was 2018 when Justice Shoukat Siddiqui got hit out of IHC because of a speech delivered by him at the Rawalpindi Bar Association almost five and a half years back. In that speech, he pointed fingers at intelligence agencies for interfering in legal affairs and messing with high court benches. His courage in standing against such interference got him in trouble, with multiple charges filed against him, leading to his dismissal in October 2018. However, many questioned the fairness of the whole process, given how quick it all happened. The recent decision by the Supreme Court corrects this unfairness, even though it’s a bit late. It shows that Siddiqui’s dismissal was wrong. Legal and political experts have rightly pointed out how hastily the SJC made its decision, highlighting the need for a proper investigation into Siddiqui’s allegations.

Indeed, these allegations are serious and demand a thorough investigation to uncover the truth. Those accused, including Gen. Faiz Hameed, have denied the charges. Still, it’s crucial to conduct a fair investigation, whether it’s done by the courts or the government, to maintain the integrity of our legal system and address any meddling or undue influence. Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s question about who benefited from this alleged facilitation highlights the bigger issues at play here. While politics might have had a hand in Siddiqui’s dismissal, it raises concerns about the independence and honesty of our judiciary.

Many have pointed fingers at the political scene and the rise of the hybrid system as possible beneficiaries of the chaos caused by Siddiqui’s allegations. But the real beneficiary needs to be found through a fair and unbiased investigation. The Supreme Court’s decision in former judge of Islamabad High Court Justice Shoukat Aziz Siddiqui’s case is proof of the strength of justice, even in tough times. It reminds us of the importance of following fair trial rules in any democratic society. It’s crucial for all involved to uphold the rule of law and ensure accountability. Only through such unwavering commitment can we protect the integrity of our legal institutions and the rights of every individual before the law.