Insights from By-Elections
Insights from By-Elections

The recent by elections in Balochistan have not only yielded definitive results but have also underscored the resilience and maturity of democratic institutions within the province.

As the electoral journey continues with upcoming by elections, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that the voice of the people remains paramount in shaping the future trajectory of Balochistan’s political landscape. The current by elections on the three upper house seats in Balochistan have not only concluded smoothly but have also provided a snapshot of the political landscape within the province. The election results, where Mir Abdul Qudous Bizenjo of Pakistan People’s Party, Mir Dostin Khan Domki of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz, and Abdul Shakur Ghaibzai of Jamiat Ulma e Islam emerged victorious, underscore the diversity and dynamics of political affiliations in the region. The process, governed by Article 226 and conducted through secret balloting, demonstrated the commitment of Balochistan’s political representatives to uphold the democratic principles enshrined in the constitution. Despite being a closely contested affair among seven candidates, the transparency and fairness of the election remained intact, reflecting positively on the electoral system. With 61 members of the Balochistan Assembly exercising their franchise, the turnout signifies the active participation of elected representatives in the democratic process. However, the absence of one member highlights the need for ensuring maximum participation to uphold the sanctity of democratic mandates.

Looking ahead, the upcoming by elections in two provincial constituencies, PB-20 Khuzdar 3 and PB-22 Lasbela, present another opportunity for the electorate to voice their preferences. The decision of Sardar Akhtar Mengal and Jam Kamal Khan to vacate their provincial seats, having won National Assembly seats, necessitates the need for fresh mandates from the respective constituencies. The timeline set forth by the Election Commission, from issuance of public notices to polling day on April 21, signifies a systematic approach towards conducting free, fair, and transparent elections. The delineation of responsibilities to District Returning Officers, Returning Officers, and Assistant Returning Officers, in accordance with the Election Act, ensures the efficient management of the electoral process.

In addition, the provisions for nomination, scrutiny, and appeals against candidacy decisions underscore the importance of due process in electoral affairs. By providing avenues for redressal of grievances, the electoral framework instills confidence among candidates and voters alike, thereby reinforcing the democratic ethos of the nation. Besides, the allocation of marks to candidates based on their eligibility criteria adds another layer of objectivity to the electoral process. This ensures that candidates are evaluated on merit, fostering a culture of accountability and competence in political leadership. As Balochistan prepares for yet another electoral exercise, it is imperative for all stakeholders, including political parties, candidates, and electoral authorities, to uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency. The success of democracy hinges upon the collective commitment to safeguarding the electoral process from undue influence, coercion, or malpractice.

By elections serve as a critical juncture in the democratic fabric, providing an opportunity for constituents to reassert their preferences and realign political representation in line with evolving societal dynamics. The forthcoming by-elections in PB-20 Khuzdar 3 and PB-22 Lasbela hold significant implications not only for the constituents of these constituencies but also for the broader political landscape of Balochistan. As voters prepare to cast their ballots once again, they are presented with the chance to evaluate candidates based on their manifestos, track records, and promises for local development. By exercising their franchise, voters not only fulfill their civic duty but also actively participate in shaping the future trajectory of their communities. Moreover, these by-elections offer aspiring candidates an avenue to showcase their vision, leadership capabilities, and commitment to public service, thereby enriching the pool of political talent and diversity within the provincial assembly. As such, by-elections represent not only a constitutional obligation but also a cornerstone of democratic governance, wherein the will of the people finds expression through the ballot box.