Encouraging Teachers
Encouraging Teachers
Irfan Khan Tareen

Undeniably, teachers are considered the ‘builders of nations’ and hold immense contributions to a country’s development and social progress. They play a pivotal role in shaping well-mannered students and elevating their moral cognition. Teachers infuse courage, industriousness, and discipline in children, and their influence is evident in practical life.

A society with learned, cognitive, and lovely teachers will manifest balanced and disciplined students, leading to social progress and peace. Equipping teachers with full training and education is necessary, and facilitating them is crucial to devise and scatter enlightenment and rapid progress.


In Pakistan, there are talented teachers with peerless potentials and outstanding skills. However, the country lacks resources to utilize their skills, leading to brain drain. Many bright teachers leave to find better employment, depriving students of their guidance.


To stimulate children’s interest in learning, good teachers are essential. Teachers have great responsibilities in revamping the learning mechanism, and their tasks include crafting a conducive environment, recognizing students’ hidden skills, and strengthening their mentality.


Archaic teaching methods in Pakistan need to be halted, and students should be encouraged to think curiously and vastly. Teachers should inculcate moral values like tolerance, patience, and patriotism in children. These efforts can make an average teacher a great teacher.


A nation that respects its teachers grows, prospers, and develops. To cherish teachers, incentivises like cash subsidies, tax exemptions, and elevated salaries are necessary. Granting them free visas to visit foreign countries for learning and teaching is also crucial.


A teacher’s duty goes beyond the classroom; they build students’ minds, personalities, and craft their future. Understanding every child, checking their work, and roaming every day inside the class are marvelous works that no other professional can perform.


In brief, apathy towards advocating for teachers’ fundamental rights should be highlighted to discourage brain drain. The Government should champion teachers’ voices and facilitate them.


The writer is a contributing columnist and can be reached at irfankhantareen10@gmail.com.