6th September: Defence Day of Pakistan
6th September: Defence Day of Pakistan
Hassan Zeb

Every year, September 6th is observed as Defence Day in Pakistan to honor the brave sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives during the 1965 War. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the momentous events that unfolded when India launched an offensive against Pakistan, seeking to undermine its sovereignty. However, the unwavering resolve of the Pakistani armed forces, supported by the indomitable spirit of the nation, thwarted these aggressive attempts, ensuring that the dreams of the Indian military to celebrate victory in Lahore were shattered.

Defence Day is not just a day of remembrance; it is an opportunity to educate the younger generation about the sacrifices made by their forefathers. It is essential to recount the achievements of the Pakistani armed forces to ensure that the youth are not misled by the false narratives propagated by the adversary.


The armed forces of Pakistan have consistently played a vital role in safeguarding the nation’s territorial integrity, responding decisively to any emerging threats. Since its inception, Pakistan has faced numerous challenges, particularly from India. However, the development of strategic capabilities has empowered Pakistan to counter these malign intentions effectively.


The Pakistan Navy, alongside the Army and Air Force, has defended the sea border, showcasing remarkable skill and tactical prowess even when faced with larger adversaries. On September 6, 1965, India initiated a surprise attack on Pakistan, targeting key areas such as Lahore and Sialkot. The joint action of the Pakistan Army, Navy, and Air Force was instrumental in repelling these offensives, teaching the aggressors a harsh lesson on land, air, and maritime fronts.


Two days later, India deployed its armored division in an attempt to capture Sialkot. Despite suffering significant casualties, the Indian forces were compelled to retreat, with Pakistan launching a counter-offensive that seized Indian territories in Khem Karan. The Pakistan Air Force played a crucial role during this period, conducting relentless airstrikes from Pathankot to Agra. The PAF successfully destroyed 50 Indian aircraft while suffering the loss of only six, significantly degrading the Indian aerial capabilities.


Despite being smaller in size, the Pakistan Navy demonstrated its strategic importance during the 1965 War. The Navy conducted several operations to respond effectively to the Indian Navy. A significant achievement was the execution of ‘Operation Dwarka’, where the Navy targeted Indian radar installations and naval air stations. This operation not only inflicted considerable damage but also disrupted Indian air operations against Karachi.


The successful execution of Operation Dwarka showcased the Pakistan Navy’s ability to conduct complex operations under challenging conditions. The destruction of the Indian radar station had a profound impact, leading to a halt in Indian air raids on Karachi and demonstrating the effectiveness of Pakistan’s naval strategy.


As we observe Defence Day, it is imperative to recognize the sacrifices made by our armed forces and to pledge our unwavering support to them. This day serves as a reminder that the strength of our military is bolstered by the support of the nation. We must remain vigilant against modern tactics employed by adversaries to weaken our state and strive to protect the freedom and honor of our motherland.


Let us remember the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and stand united in our commitment to safeguarding Pakistan’s sovereignty. May we find the strength, courage, and determination to uphold the legacy of those who fought valiantly for our freedom.