A Journey of Strength: The Story of Mubaraka, a Disabled Girl from the Hazara Community
A Journey of Strength: The Story of Mubaraka, a Disabled Girl from the Hazara Community
Muhammad Hussain

In the bustling streets of Quetta, Mubaraka is known for her strength and incredible talent in art. A young girl whose life took a dramatic turn after a tragic accident left her disabled, Mubaraka has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration in her community. Her story transcends the physical challenges of her disability, delving into the societal barriers faced by the Hazara community and highlighting the power of determination and support.

Growing up in the Hazara community, Mubaraka faced numerous hurdles. The Hazara people, an ethnic minority in Quetta, often encounter discrimination and marginalization. For Mubaraka, these societal challenges were compounded by her disability. Despite these obstacles, her spirit remained unbroken. With the unwavering support of her family and her passion for painting, she began to see her art not just as a hobby but as a lifeline.

Her early days after the accident were filled with physical pain and emotional despair. However, her determination and her family’s support played a crucial role in her recovery. Turning to art as a therapeutic outlet, Mubaraka discovered her innate talent for painting. This talent not only provided a creative escape but also opened opportunities for financial independence. Today, she uses her art to fund her educational expenses, transforming her passion into a source of livelihood.

Mubaraka’s art tells compelling stories of her experiences and the struggles of her community. Through her paintings, she depicts tales of resilience, culture, and the fight for recognition. Her dream is to see her artwork displayed in galleries and shared online, inspiring others to believe in themselves and their abilities.

In an interview, Mubaraka shared that she is now 19 years old and has successfully completed her second year of FA. She revealed that she became disabled during her childhood. Recalling her early years, she expressed the challenges she faced back then, contrasting them with her current situation where she feels she is not encountering as many difficulties as she did during her childhood.

Now identifying herself as an artist and fashion designer, Mubaraka credited her parents for their unwavering support, encouragement, and motivation, which helped her build confidence. She emphasized how their belief in her abilities played a pivotal role in her journey toward pursuing her passions despite her disability.

Her story is not just about her success as an artist; it is also about the immense support from her family and community in Quetta. Their encouragement has been her guiding light, helping her navigate through the toughest times.

Breaking Barriers works extensively to support disabled girls, offering programs that provide education, vocational training, and psychological support. These initiatives aim to create an inclusive environment where disabled girls can thrive, compete on equal footing, and have access to the same opportunities as their able-bodied peers. One of their key programs is the “Empowerment through Education” initiative, which provides scholarships and tutoring for disabled girls to ensure they receive a quality education. This program not only covers school fees but also provides necessary supplies, adaptive technology, and transportation services.

Additionally, vocational training courses tailored to the needs and abilities of disabled individuals include skills such as computer literacy, handicrafts, and small business management, designed to help participants gain financial independence. Mubaraka herself benefited from these programs, learning how to market and sell her artwork, thus achieving financial stability and self-sufficiency.

The organization also focuses on psychological support, understanding that the emotional well-being of disabled individuals is just as important as their physical health. Breaking Barriers provides counseling services, support groups, and workshops on self-advocacy and confidence-building, helping individuals like Mubaraka to build resilience and a positive self-image.

In a significant address on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023, Governor Balochistan Abdul Wali Khan Kakar called for an increase in the employment quota for persons with disabilities (PWDs) in both federal and provincial departments to at least ten percent. “This is essential to fully utilize their abilities for the development of the country,” Kakar emphasized. He also highlighted the need for special posts at higher levels in every department for PWDs, according to their qualifications and capabilities, to ensure they can secure and retain employment.

Governor Kakar advocated for the relocation of offices related to PWDs to the ground floor of government buildings, making them more accessible. “For the formation of any civilized society, a positive and pleasant attitude towards special people is necessary,” he stated, underscoring the importance of an inclusive and supportive societal approach. The event was attended by prominent figures such as caretaker provincial minister Jan Achakzai, former senator Roshan Khursheed Bharucha, Prof. Farkhanda Aurangzeb, Chairperson of the Commission on Status of Women in Balochistan Fauzia Shaheen, Executive Director of Breaking Barriers Sadaf Ajmal, and representatives of various organizations working for the welfare of disabled persons.

Governor Kakar focused on discussing the practical problems and sustainable solutions for PWDs. He opened the doors of the Governor House Balochistan to address their problems and complaints, acknowledging the profound impact on families with disabled members. “I pay tribute to all family members of special persons, especially the parents,” he said, recognizing the collective efforts of government and private institutions in improving the lives of PWDs.

For Mubaraka, her story of triumph over adversity serves as a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with determination and the right support. Mubaraka’s achievements as an artist have not only brought her financial independence but also recognition within and outside her community. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the critical role of both personal and systemic support in empowering individuals with disabilities.

As debates continue over the adequacy of governmental provisions, a survey conducted by the Social Welfare Department among Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Balochistan reported the following types of disabilities and their respective percentages: Amputation (2.1%), Blind, Deaf & Dumb (0.3%), Developmental Disability (11.0%), Epilepsy (1.0%), Hand Amputation (0.7%), Hand Injury Hearing (0.5%), Joint or Muscle Pain (14.2%), Learning Disabilities (9.5%), and Leg Injury (9.5%).

Addressing the participants of the event organized on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Governor Kakar stated that offices in various government buildings related to persons with disabilities should be on the ground floor to facilitate easier access. He underscored the importance of a positive and pleasant attitude towards special people for the formation of any civilized society. The event saw the presence of notable figures including former senator Roshan Khursheed Bharucha, Prof. Farkhanda Aurangzeb, Chairperson of the Commission on Status of Women in Balochistan Fauzia Shaheen, Executive Director of Breaking Barriers Sadaf Ajmal, and representatives of private organizations working for the welfare of disabled persons. Governor Kakar emphasized discussing the practical problems and sustainable solutions faced by PWDs. He expressed that the doors of Governor House Balochistan are open for PWDs to address their problems and complaints. He paid tribute to the families of disabled persons, especially the parents, and lauded the efforts of both government and private institutions working for the betterment of special people.

Mubaraka remains a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome challenges. Her journey underscores the importance of both personal resilience and systemic support in empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their full potential. Mubaraka’s journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of art. Her story not only inspires those facing similar problems but also highlights the importance of societal and systemic support in overcoming adversity.