Book Review: The Four Precious Jackets
Book Review: The Four Precious Jackets
Huma Barket

The book “The Four Precious Jackets” was written by Metirulla Jameel in RORO. When he wrote this book, he was just four years old. This fictional story is all about motivation, struggle, determination, and self-courage.

The story starts with a bad situation. While Kelvin and his friends were sleeping, the sun’s rays destroyed the second wing. All people became invisible except for Kelvin, his father, and his friends. They woke up, shocked and wondering what had happened. Kelvin’s father gave him a precious jacket and made him promise to always wear it. Kelvin and his friends started their journey to save the kingdom, facing many difficulties along the way.

They encountered King Galovin, the ruler of the northern empire, who gave them an ultimatum: defeat him within two days or face the consequences. Kelvin and his friends refused to give up, determined to save their families and kingdom. Eventually, they arrived at the third wing, where they fought against the northern empire’s soldiers. After a long journey, they achieved victory and returned to their kingdom.

Kelvin discovered that his family had been killed by Galovin, which motivated him to continue fighting. With the help of all the wings, Kelvin and his friends defeated the northern empire’s armies, and Galovin committed suicide. Kelvin became the ruler of the kingdom, but he was still worried about his friends who had died in the battle. Due to his sorrow, Kelvin disappeared. Later, a new generation emerged, and Jam, also known as Robin, took Kelvin’s place.

The main theme of the story is to never lose hope, even in difficult times. One should always fight against bad days and keep faith in struggle and self-courage. If you have self-courage, you will easily achieve your goals. I really enjoyed this book and recommend reading it.