The Maze of Mental Well-being: A Holistic Approach
The Maze of Mental Well-being: A Holistic Approach
Rozina Dilmorad

Mental health signifies our ability to draw inspiration from life’s challenges. A lack of motivation in pursuing essential well-being activities, such as getting sufficient sleep, exercising, or maintaining a balanced diet, may indicate underlying mental health issues. Another indicator of good mental health is the ability to control behavior without succumbing to impulsive reactions.

Individuals with robust mental health can intentionally respond to their environment, making choices aligned with their values, contributing to a rich and meaningful life. Conversely, those grappling with mental health challenges may find themselves struggling with impulsive or inhibited reactions, hindering their ability to think and decide deliberately.

A diverse range of emotions is inherent to mental health, and managing them appropriately is crucial. While emotions like anger and anxiety serve as protective responses to threats, an overly sensitive or hyperactive emotional system can lead to exaggerated reactions. Good mental health involves experiencing emotions at an intensity that feels manageable and appropriate to the situation.

Tolerating distress is another crucial aspect of mental well-being. Individuals with good mental health can navigate challenges without being overwhelmed, fostering resilience. Additionally, clear thinking is integral to mental health. Disruptions in circadian rhythms, often linked to sleep issues, can impact brain function, affecting learning and memory.

In summary, mental health extends beyond thoughts and feelings, encompassing the proper functioning of the brain. Achieving and maintaining mental well-being involves recognizing and addressing factors that influence motivation, behavior, emotional responses, distress tolerance, and cognitive function.