Illegal Israeli Attack on Hospital in Gaza: A Violation of Human Rights
Illegal Israeli Attack on Hospital in Gaza: A Violation of Human Rights

In recent years, the Israel-Palestine conflict has seen numerous escalations, resulting in the loss of countless lives and extensive damage to infrastructure. One of the most disturbing incidents in this ongoing conflict was the illegal Israeli attack on a hospital in Gaza, highlighting the urgent need for international intervention to protect the most vulnerable in this conflict. This article delves into the importance of upholding the rules of war and peace, emphasizing the responsibility of powerful nations and international organizations like the United Nations to ensure justice and peace in the region.

war, even when waged between states with longstanding conflicts, is subject to rules and conventions. The fundamental principle of international humanitarian law is to protect civilians, including the wounded, children, and the elderly. Hospitals are meant to be safe havens in times of conflict, places where the injured can receive medical care without fear of attack. Yet, the attack on a hospital in Gaza violated these principles and shocked the international community.

The attack on a hospital in Gaza resulted in devastating consequences. Innocent civilians, including children, the wounded, and the elderly, were directly affected by this violation of international law. Lives were lost, and the wounded faced dire circumstances with limited access to medical care. Moreover, such actions further perpetuate the cycle of violence in the region, making it even more challenging to reach a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The United Nations and powerful nations have a critical role to play in addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict. The concept of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” has been a notion in international relations for centuries. In this context, it should translate into a commitment to safeguard the rights and safety of the most vulnerable. Powerful nations should exert diplomatic pressure on the conflicting parties to respect the rules of war and peace.

The ancient Greek historian Thucydides, in his masterpiece “History of the Peloponnesian War,” emphasized the importance of rules in war and peace. He argued that upholding these rules is not a sign of weakness but an essential aspect of the international order. The attack on a hospital in Gaza stands as a stark violation of these principles and underscores the necessity of enforcing them.

The illegal Israeli attack on a hospital in Gaza is a grim reminder of the tragic consequences that the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to inflict on innocent lives. It is imperative for the international community to unite in its efforts to promote peace, protect the most vulnerable, and ensure that the rules of war and peace are upheld. As Thucydides noted, these principles are not a sign of weakness but a cornerstone of a just and humane world order. It is high time for the United Nations and powerful nations to take proactive measures to end the suffering and work towards a lasting solution in the region.

The writer has done M.Sc International Relations from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad and is a Law graduate. He is currently serving as Public Relations Officer to the Minister of Information and Public Relations Balochistan.