From Gossip to Empathy: Pakistan’s Digital Odyssey
From Gossip to Empathy: Pakistan’s Digital Odyssey
Sabeen Malik

In the whirlwind world of digital media, our sense of responsibility often gets tangled in the web of adoration and criticism. Picture this: a recent virtual storm had Pakistan’s netizens glued to their screens as they journeyed from being die-hard fans to vigilant moral crusaders, all in the blink of an eye. The epicenter of […]

In the whirlwind world of digital media, our sense of responsibility often gets tangled in the web of adoration and criticism. Picture this: a recent virtual storm had Pakistan’s netizens glued to their screens as they journeyed from being die-hard fans to vigilant moral crusaders, all in the blink of an eye.
The epicenter of the commotion? A juicy piece of gossip suggesting that Ali Sethi, the vocal powerhouse of Pakistan, had taken the plunge and tied the knot with artist Salman Toor. What followed was an eruption of emotion, as social media feeds lit up with Queerphobic comments and vows to boycott Sethi’s soulful tunes. And the spark that ignited this fiery debate? A tweet that, for all its intriguing allure, hailed from an unverified source – a fact often pushed to the back burner in the heat of the moment.
But amidst this virtual swift, a glimmer of insight emerges. Ali Sethi himself stepped into the spotlight, using an Instagram Story to douse the flames with a sprinkle of humor. “I’m not married, but whoever started this rumor should help me promote my new song,” he quips. It’s a friendly nudge to approach sensational news with a healthy dose of skepticism and a bit of fact-checking.
Our collective rage, while potent, is seemingly selective in its applications. A glance at history reminds us that our nation’s collective fervor can shape fates in indelible ways. The tragic tale of Qandeel Baloch’s life, culminating in a horrifying death at the hands of her own kin, resonates as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of unchecked online hate, which led her brother to kill her in the name of honor and the disturbing specter of blasphemy accusations, ultimately leading to the loss of innocent lives like that of Mashal Khan, stands as a stark reminder of the reckless manner in which we express our opinions, often leading to hate and peril, a truth we often evade. It’s a harsh reality that often gets lost in the noise of online shenanigans.
Amid the digital realm’s uproar, a captivating question arises: Why do we brandish words as weapons, targeting personal choices instead of embracing serenity? Could this reflect a quest for identity within a web of interconnected perspectives, where frustrations dance between individuality and the collective? In this narrative tapestry, cyberbullying and cancel culture converge, raising the thought-provoking notion: Are these reactions mirrors of society’s struggle to harmonize diverse views, unveiling profound existential quandaries?
A foundational inquiry surfaces: Why do certain issues trigger our fervor, while others elicit silence? Gossip allures us swiftly, yet grave matters like enforced disappearances, forced conversions, and abuse prompt hesitance. This paradox urges introspection, spotlighting our intricate interplay with digital dynamics and societal consciousness.
Beyond the confines of screens, lives are lost, and scars endure, so as we navigate the online maze, let’s tweak our digital script. Our words, once they hit the internet, can have huge consequences. Let’s rewrite the story as champions of kindness and understanding. Instead of flinging judgments, let’s direct our energy toward raising voices against real injustices. Let’s use our keyboards to make a positive impact. Let’s be the heroes who celebrate empathy over hate, transformation over chaos. Keep in mind, as our opinions travel through the virtual world, they carry tremendous power. This power can shape lives and mold societies. It’s a power that should be handled with care, creating a narrative where empathy takes the lead and change is our resounding chorus.

Sabeen Malik is a hailing journalist, who uncovers the hidden stories that shape our society, with a particular focus on the enigmatic tales of Baluchistan, bringing to light the voices and experiences that deserve global attention.