“Seizing Opportunities: A Journey Towards a Radiant Pakistan”
“Seizing Opportunities: A Journey Towards a Radiant Pakistan”
Muhammad Amin

Attention Required from Country’s Leadership Amidst Serious Shortage. It is imperative for the political, military, and judicial leadership of the country to take notice. As an ordinary citizen, it is necessary to muster the courage to sound the alarm: We are no longer progressing on the path paved by Pakistani Munir Niazi. The circle, once safe, is now crumbling. Whatever occurs within its confines, remains contained.

The walls that once encompassed our 75-year journey are now giving way. It seems as though we have strayed from this dysfunctional system, which the people have struggled to digest for decades, and yet, the journey persists. Alternatively, one may consider that even our third guardian is prone to defeat. Venturing slightly beyond the circle, one encounters a desert of pitfalls, while a safe, smooth, and clear path lies visible and promising. Yet, we continue to steer toward the potholes, stumbling and falling along the way.

Politics and wisdom still face this perilous direction. The national economy has plummeted into deep chasms, while those in power, intoxicated by their authority, have proven themselves incapable of addressing the situation. They displayed fleeting anger, made empty promises, and further exacerbated the problems. Now, they attend to their own affairs while neglecting the dire state of the nation’s economy.

The collective mindset of individuals, groups, and political classes persists in treading the narrow path of narrow-mindedness and false contentment. Refusing to acknowledge the alternative course, they hesitate to take a step toward progress.

With due apologies in advance, the servant is compelled to commit another insolence: If any sensitive soul is offended, it must be acknowledged that the servant lacks the fortitude to endure your reprimand or witness a frown upon your forehead.

It is worth mentioning that your impoverished subjects are not willingly partaking in this arduous aimless journey. The caravan comprises you and your subjects who have been abandoned, as they strive to become true citizens of the state and leave behind the circular path for the pit-laden desert. The nation’s constitution lies in ruins.

All citizens remain trapped within the broken circle, akin to “Banda Nachiz.” Who taught them the fallacious notion that being a mere citizen would resolve the issues within the flawed system? Citizens alone cannot provide the solution. It must be understood that during our 47-year journey, we were your subjects, and thus, we were your companions.

The circle now stands broken in numerous places. You are outside due to negligence, while we, the poor people, remain within Pakistan. It should be further contemplated that you are not making progress in your journey towards recovery. Your steps falter as well. Although we were once trapped, we emerged stronger under your overall leadership. Our vision and intellect have transcended the circle, while you remain ensnared in this trap. Nevertheless, we hold hope for illuminating Pakistan.

This hope does not stem from our desires and needs; rather, it emerges from genuine grace and the continued benevolence of nature. It is as if God’s mercy and forgiveness remain ever-ready.

It is sufficient to say that in this final respite, we can care for ourselves. We can extricate ourselves from the pitfalls and traps. The people’s answer is an emphatic “yes.” Allah SWT is testing us once again. The people have exhibited patience, and now it is the leaders’ turn. Your test appears to be arduous indeed, as breaking the idols of self-made positions and ranks is no easy feat, particularly when these ranks and positions extend beyond the boundaries of the constitution and exist solely to fulfill personal desires.

Furthermore, as you bask in the sea of imagined comfort, breaking these idols becomes an insurmountable task. However, we, your subjects, who aspire to become citizens according to the book of the constitution, hope that you, like us, straying as you may, can find guidance from the 250 million people of Pakistan. The first step is to abandon the violation of the constitution, without engaging in political maneuvering. Everyone should participate in this endeavor.

The people of Pakistan stand within a broken circle, besieged by the constitution. The state institutions, the primary defenders of the constitution, have faltered in their power and duty. Despite the present circumstances, the people hold merit because the constitution was formulated by their esteemed elites through unity and consensus.

Thus, the constitution remains a steadfast guarantor of rights, security, and welfare for the people. If fully implemented, it would facilitate transparent and reliable elections, ensure a stable government, and foster a respected and credible opposition that upholds accountability and checks and balances. Just as the military leadership safeguards the nation’s extensive borders, waters, and airspace, the Qazi, bound by the constitution and law, deserves respect as the protector of the country.

Let us return to the constitution. Let us reconcile and forgive one another. Let all 250 million Pakistanis join forces for the sake of Pakistan. In doing so, we can transform our nation into the world’s largest energy corridor, encompassing the electricity of Tajikistan, the gas of Turkmenistan, and the oil routes of Iran. This path, which is yet to be recognized as a national road, presents abundant opportunities for investment from China, America, Europe, Russia, Japan, India, Turkey, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

By facilitating trade corridors through India, Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan, we can unlock the potential of Central Asia and exploit its untapped reserves. The possibilities are boundless. However, as a nation, we must decide whether we wish to remain trapped in a severe crisis or seize the opportunity and embark on a journey towards a radiant Pakistan. At present, everything is transparent, nothing remains hidden. Every institution and citizen of Pakistan is fully aware of what is wrong, what is right, who is responsible, and why. Let us unite, brothers! Let the leaders arise! Initiate this journey by restoring constitutionalism and fully embracing the Constitution.

The writer is a teacher of DELTA The Change Agent. He can be reached at aminwastoo@gmail.com.