Violation of Balocistan’s services quota further aggravates sense of alienation
Violation of Balocistan’s services quota further aggravates sense of alienation
Naseeb Ullah Khan Bazai 

The provincial disparities in Pakistan in its different descriptions are highly irritating. It is one of the main reasons behind the acute alienation of youth of Balochistan province culminating on strong resentment and resistance, that ultimately led to the present insurgent situation.

Amongst many reasons of the strained relations between Balochistan and federal government, the non observance of constitutionally protected services quota of the province and its violation is an important issue. It has far reaching negative implications adversely affecting national security, harmony and integration.

Balochistan has long agitated against the violation of the constitutionally protected services quota of the province in the federal services. It has been claiming that thousands of individuals from other provinces have been inducted in the federal services against the share and quota of Balochistan.

Pakistan’s constitution provides protection and avenue for induction in the services of Federation to the underdeveloped and economically backward areas through Quota System, in order bring them at par with other developed areas of the country. Under the constitution, it is obligatory on the state to ensure that the share of provinces in all the Federal Government services., including the Autonomous bodies and corporation established by or under the control of the Federal Government shall be secured.

Basic issue is the nominal representation of Baluchistan in federal bureaucracy. The scrutiny of the data reveals that approved 6% share of Balochistan in the federal government departments, authorities, and corporation, autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies has been violated.

For example,        since 1972 to 1993 against the due share of 496 posts as per 3.5% quota, only 406 officers from Balochistan province were appointed through initial recruitment, in (BPS-17). Similarly, from 1993 to 2002 against 75 posts (as per 3.5 quota) only 64 officers from Balochistan province were appointed in the Federal services through initial recruitment and 11 vacancies remained cleared hence total short-fall in the quota of Balochistan province in the Federal Services through initial recruitment in (BPS-17) since 1972 to 2002 appeared as 101 posts and the share is allotted to the other provinces.

Had the province of Balochistan given its due share in the Federal Services from the day one, the number of officers from the province would have been able to find place in the Senior Grades of B-20, B-21 and B-22 in the Federal Services. The non-induction of Provincial Civil Servant in Federal Services in violation of due quota of Balochistan and their non-induction in DMG at appropriate level is one of the main reasons of lean and invisible representation of the province at the Senior level in the federal bureaucracy. This violation of the services share of Balochistan has caused a serious resentment amongst educated lot of province who highly matter in molding public opinion in the province.

The question arises here if the educated lot in the province are deprived of their legitimate rights and dissatisfied, then how un-educated majority can be assured that their rights are fully protected to restore their confidence in the polices of federal government?

The consistent delay in the conclusion of long pending verification process at the level of deputy commissioners of the province and lukewarm approach of the inter Provincial Coordination Department Balochistan has further caused negative implications amongst the political circles particularly amongst the ever-growing strength of the unemployed youth of the province finding no place for their reasonable absorption in the province due to its limited capacity in the public and private sectors with in the province due the scheming involved in the provincial appointment process at every level.

Both provincial and federal authorities cannot be exonerated from the charge of issuance of huge number illegitimate domical certificates and appointment of bogus domiciles holders against the quota of Balochistan.

The authorities concerned shall take serious notice of the situation as the sense of deprivation and alienation has aggravated in the province due to irrational authoritative policies of the ruling elite in Islamabad.

In Balochistan, alienation from the affairs of federation is an outcome of theses unjust and unfair policies denying the legitimate political and economic rights to the province. Such policies defeat the political and national mainstreaming, which is a potential threat to the National integrity, solidarity and stability.

It is high time to restore the trust and confidence of the leadership in young generation of the province by taking steps in the right direction ensuring protection of the legitimate rights of the province which will also address the long-standing grievances of the province.