Important issues relating to Balochistan and remedial measures
Important issues relating to Balochistan and remedial measures
Naseeb Ullah Khan Bazai 


It is believed that Baloch tribes originally are the decedents of Arabs who invaded Sindh in the 7th A.D and settled partially in the present Balochistan along with the Makran coast and its upper land and also in the adjoining territory of the Iranian plateau. When the Saljuq invaded Kirman in the 11th century, Baloch started migration towards the present Balochistan and until the 14th century, a large number of Balochs had settled in the region of present Balochistan. The Mughals invaded and occupied the greater part of Balochistan in the 17th century whereas; the western part of Balochistan was conquered by the Persians in the 19th century.

The Britishers made their presence in Balochistan during the first Afghan war to protect their communication lines and their establishment in 1842 on a permanent basis in present Balochistan by concluding territories with local and rural tribal chiefs. The British ruler in 1877 brought the region of Quetta, Pashin, Chaghi, Loralie, Zob, Sibbi, and Khlou under their direct control with the name of British Balochistan.

Under the plan of 3rd June 1947, the future of British Balochistan was to be decided by the Voting College comprising of Shahi Jarga and the Shahi Jarga on 29th June 1947 voted in favor of Pakistan.

The case of Balochistan state was different as the British Crown had already executed specific territories with the state rulers including Kalat state Kharan state, Makran state and Lasbela state. The then Khan of Kalat became an aspirant for an independent Baloch kingdom instead of joining Pakistan. The Khan of Kalat initially availed support for his idea of an independent Baloch kingdom from the other Baloch states, but shortly the rest of 3 states acceded to Pakistan. The khan of Kalat decided to declare independence, but could not manage the same as the then government of Pakistan moved its forces into the Kalat state on March 26th, 1948. The Khan of Kalat though for the time being accepted to join Pakistan, but found it difficult to reconcile himself with the decision.


1st Insurgency in Balochistan

In 1948, Prince Abdul Karim Khan brother of the Khan of Kalat, raised in revolt against Pakistan to establish an independent state of Kalat. The prince however shortly surrendered on the condition of safe passage but the prince and hundreds of others after surrender were arrested and imprisoned. This was the beginning of mistrust between the Balochs and the federal government which further deepened and aggravated with the passage of time.

2nd Insurgency in Balochistan

In 1958, Khan of Kalat again attempted to regain the independence of Kalat state, but on 6th October 1958 the armed forces of Pakistan took over the control of Kalat Palace and the movement of Khan of Kalat was restricted. This lead to the 2nd insurgency which was lead by Nawab Nauroz Khan Zehri. This took a long 1 year to quell the insurgency Nawab Nauroz Khan surrendered on the condition of amnesty which is believed to have been assured on solemn oath but after surrender Nawab Nauroz Khan and his sons and immediate relatives were arrested amongst 7 were executed to death and Nawab Nauroz Khan also died in 1964 while in prison.

The Nawab Nauroz khan and his companion are considered as the first martyred and heroes of current Baloch history. The tragic incident particularly after approving amnesty has deeply influenced the young Baloch generation and further developing anti-Pakistan sentiments. So this tragic incident further deepened the already trust deficit between Baloch nationalists and the federal government.

3rd Insurgency in Balochistan

The 3rd insurgency started in 1963 when the elected Baloch MNAs were disqualified for political reasons not only the representation of Balochistan in the national assembly was given to the non Balochistani person but also the government through a notification declared/ notified 3 Sardars in Balochistan contrary to the tradition and customs and the manner the Sardar of the tribe is nominated. The Baloch nationalist leader could not reconcile with development and the 3rdsurgency was lead by Sher Muhammad Murree and the government had to use excessive power to quell the insurgency with losses of life and property.

4th Insurgency in Balochistan (1972 to 1977)

The national Awami Party returned as a majority party in the election of 1970 and constituted a provincial government as Mir Ghous Bakhsh Bazinjo as governor and Sardar Atta Ullah Khan Mengal as chief minister. However, the relationship between provincial and federal governments remained hostile and the federal government ultimately dismissed the provincial government on the charges for their alleged connections with Afghanistan, India and Russia, the Shah of Iran also did not tolerated the national government in Balochistan having the potential to destabilize Iranian Balochistan and about 600 leaders of the Awami National Party were arrested and a prison case was made out against them and tried by the special Hyderabad tribunal was constituted.

The dismissal of the nationalist government was followed by an uprising the causalities on the sides of rebels and government troops were in the thousands with 210 major engagements and 167 lesser incidents between the army and insurgents. The government used excessive ground and air power to subdue the insurgent.

The insurgency ended in 1970 when general Zia took over and released all the arrested national leaders from the Hyderabad tribunal.

The insurgency ended with no outcome except further solidifying the hatred against the federal government and during the insurgency, thousands of Balochs migrated to Afghanistan.

Current and 5th Insurgency in Balochistan

The current insurgency needs to be looked at from the domestic and international prospective for it is more complex than it had been in the past.

The Tribal Chiefs having strong influences in the interior of the province and opposing the Federal Government policies since very early have established training camps (Ferrari Camps) where disgruntled elements are imparted training and engaged in sabotage activities.

In 2005 the law and order situation went worse there were 275 rocket attacks, 8 attacks on the gas pipeline, 36 attacks on the electricity transmission line, 19 exposure on a railway line, 182 civilians and 26 security personnel were killed in the above sabotage activities.

On December 14, 2005, the president of Pakistan on his visit to Kholu was attacked, subsequently, a helicopter carrying the IGFC was also attacked. Both the above incident flare-up the situation.

In 2005 Government launched paramilitary and army action to target the Ferrari Camps operating in different areas particularly in Dera Bugti and Kohlu districts.

The Government has always claimed that the operation is limited and his launched only against the lawless elements involve in anti-state activities.

The tribal leaders and the Nationalists, however, claim that thousands of innocent Balochs including humans and children have been targeted during the military operation.

The killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti and Nawabzada Balach Mari s/o Tribal Chief Khair Baksh Mari followed by the killing of other 03 Nationalist Leaders of BNM has further aggravated this situation.

The common Baloch being uneducated and having a strong commitment to tribal culture is strongly associated with their Tribal Chiefs and have developed anti-government feelings and supporting nationalist stance against the Government.

Insurgent Groups

  1. Anti State Ideology

The Nationalist leaders particularly the present Khan of Kalat, Nawab Khair Buksh Marri, Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti and their comrades/followers have/had given up the course of parliamentary politics and have/had resolved and advocated armed struggle for the right of self-determination. Amongst the three the former enjoys no political support but is aspirant to regain his Kalat state through Baloch Nationalist movement. The later too not only enjoys/enjoyed tribal support of their own tribes but also the political circle particularly the young Baloch follows/followed their ideas. The incident of Dera Bugti surfaced many arms groups with proven linkages with Afghanistan and India. These groups have openly negated the ideology of Pakistan and are involved in anti-state, terrorist and sabotage activities by targeting railway tracks, electric pylons, other sensitive installations and security forces. Amongst these anti-state groups, important and active ones are B.L.A, B.L.F., and B.R.A. Lashkar-Balochistan.

  1. Influence of External Forces (Damages to State Property)

The anti-state groups operative in the Province have their proven links with the present Afghan regime, particularly the elements belonging to the Northern Alliance in the present set-up of the Afghan Administration. Further, India’s financial support and patronage through Indian conciliate in the bordering districts of Afghanistan is also proven. In addition, the Iranian and Taliban patronage to hamper the NATO supply lines cannot be ruled out.

iii. Anti-Social Elements (Groups and People involved)

To fish in the troubled waters, a large number of anti-social groups have also emerged onto the scene who is involved in the growing heinous crimes of kidnapping for ransom, highway dacoity and robberies which has created a sense of acute insecurity and desperation amongst a large majority of the population. The anti-social elements have not only frequently targeted the civilians but even officers of the civil administration, judiciary and donor agencies working in the province have been kidnapped creating a scene of acute embarrassment for the government itself. The incidents of kidnapping for ransom, highway dacoity have gotten out of proportion and control. Abduction/kidnapping for ransom has become the most common crime. About a hundred groups all over the province are involved in the hateful offence. Out of every ten cases, hardly one kidnapper is recovered whereas nine have to make their own way and arrangement for their release. Reportedly the groups involved in the kidnapping for ransom are fully backed by the Political leadership and the highly politicized police and civil administration is hardly in a position to take offensive against such known groups. The unchecked growing offences/crimes of kidnapping for ransom, highway dacoity and robberies have put a serious challenge to the authority and writ of the government. The government and its agencies have so far been unable to control and contain the growing crime rate and the common masses have lost all their trust and confidence in the government.

Political Factors

The Nationalists and political leaders have always perceived the Federal Government policies against the interest of the province. Their main demands and grievances are narrated as under:-

  1. Demand for greater provincial autonomy.
  2. Economic backwardness inadequate distribution of resources amongst the federating units (NFC awards, devisable pool, gas royalty).
  3. Poor involvement in the national mainstream politics.
  4. Poor representation in the federal services.
  5. Slow pace of development in province.
  6. The Nationalist leaders had been putting up the following demands to the government Complete Provincial autonomy as envisaged in the constitution of 1973.
  7. Massive economic development of the long neglected province with a greater share in the NFC award.
  8. Revision of the Federal Legislative and concurrent legislative with more business with the provinces.
  9. Advocate representation in the armed forces and civil administration.
  10. Allocation of funds on population, need as well as on the basis of physical distances involved.
  11. Greater share in the mineral resources oil and gas produced in the province.
  12. Adequate employment opportunities within the province as well as in the federal services.
  13. Retention of B Areas and its control through effective Levies Forces.
  14. Promotion of education and provision of industrial base in the province.
  15. Control or the huge influx of the population from outside Balochistan resulting out of development projects.
  16. Objection over the expansion of military cantonments in the Province
  17. Promotion of political and economic equality


With the GEO Political changes in the post-cold war period together with the events of 9/11 has imparted great importance to Balochistan.

Balochistan has become the center of a great game which is all about to access control the energy resources of Central Asia

  1. Geo-strategic and geo political importance.
  2. Tremendous mineral, Oil and Gas potentials.
  3. Wider scope of agriculture development.
  4. Long strategic costal belt.

The following are the key actors involved in the game:

Central Asian Republics

Central Asian republics are rich in oil and gas resources which are untapped. The Central Asian countries are land locked and are in dire need to have a secure corridor for export of their energy resource and a transit route for trade and commerce through Balochistan Province to the Arabian Sea.

Chinese Factors

The Chinese factor is an emerging regional power with a growing economy and to maintain the momentum it requires a transit trade route, energy corridor to import oil from the gulf region, and naval facilities in the Arabian Sea to protect its strategic and economic interests.

Chinese investment in Balochistan

  • (Saindak Project US $ 40 Million)
  • (BGP Gas Exploration US $ 1 Million)
  • (Gawadar Port US $ 240 Million)
  • (Coastal Highway US $ 200 Million)
  • (Railway Link from Dalbandin to Gawadar Deep Sea Port US $ 142 Million)

Indian Factor

India is also emerging as a regional and power growing economy but facing a shortage of energy India also looks towards central Asian states and Iran and Gulfs states to meet out its energy requirements India also has strategic interests to dominate the old Indian ocean Indian Strategic interest (version of Monroe doctrine) containment of Pakistan.

US Factor

The US has got its own strategic and economic interests in Central Asia, South Asia, South West Asia, and China Interests and access to the State of Hormus (Persian Gulf) Interest in the GEO Politics in the region to contain and isolate Iran, to make the war on terror success US needs to have control or the areas bordering Afghanistan to curtail and control the growing influence of China in the region to dominate the middle east and central Asia having rich oil gas and mineral resources.

Iranian Interests

Iran is also an active actor in the great game the development of Gawadar port is a threat to the development and expansion of the Iranian port of Chabahar to minimize the US presence and influence in the region to improve regional security situation to promote Gas export to establish commercial link road to central Asia through Afghanistan to curb the Baloch Nationalist Movement within Iran

Gawadar Port

Gawadar port is a major area of interest and conflict among the regional / international actors A deep sea port on the Arabian Sea will provide a transit route for the central Asian republic as well as China  The project is launched with the financial assistance with China which will provide transit terminal for oil import to china Gawadar will become a gateway to Central Asia, Republic of China and many countries would use the facility Gawadar port is of great importance for Pakistan from the strategic defense and commercial point of view Gawadar port will not only provide secure alternative port to Pakistan but will also prove as strong impediment to India to avail dominant position in the Arabian Sea


The above international scenario coupled with the long outstanding problems of the province i.e. demand for the greater provincial autonomy are the root causes of the present insurgency in Balochistan China have a vital interest in the sovereignty, political independence, security and territorial integrity of Pakistan. Chinese presence in the region is in the interest of Pakistan to check the growing influence of India in the Arabian Sea United State is also improving its relation with India to keep Iran in isolation Pakistan cannot play any role for the US for the containment of China and Iran the presence of China and its growing influence in the region is against the interest and policy of US.

Unrest in Balochistan is in favour of India to impede china from becoming a regional power and to prevent Pakistan from offering a safe transit route to the Asian Republic and fulfilling its idea of an alternate transit route through Afghanistan and Iran

The Insurgent situation in Balochistan will not only contain the growing influence and interest of china in the region but these elements can also be used to create problems in Iran and destabilized anti American government of Iran.


  1. Provincial Autonomy Issue

The Baloch leadership strongly advocates that Pakistan is a Federal state. The concept of federalism is enriched and strongly advocated by the Pakistan resolution of 1940, the Objectives of resolution and all the three Constitutions of the country. In a Federal state all the arrangements and policies of the government are mutually agreed, reviewed, updated and approved from time to time by the Federal government on the confesses Federating units. The Baloch leadership share emergencies of Pakistan had been advocating and demanding complete provincial autonomy as embodied/assured by the constitution.

  1. Resource Distribution Issue

The Baloch leadership had strongly criticized the process, procedure and criteria of resource distribution amongst the federation and provinces which has remained a bone of contention between the federal government and Baloch leadership impeding National harmony and integration. The controversy over the population as the sole criteria for the distribution of National resources and ignoring the other aspects such as area and backwardness has added much to the miss-trust between the province and federal government. The protest of Baloch Nationalist leaders over the issue and formula of unfair distribution of resources has gained mass support during the past 60 years.

The problem of provincial autonomy which raised immediately after the independence of the country has not received serious attention of the policy makers. Due to prolonged ignorance of this sensitive issue, the country has failed to achieve political harmony leading to stability, progress and prosperity. On the critical issue of provincial autonomy during the past 60 years, the country has taken a half-step forward with two steps backward and several steps sideways from the track.

However, the federal government has taken a bold initiative in this regard and through a significant debate appreciating the gravity of both the problems and not only the formulae of resource distribution but also the long objected concurrent list a serious impediment in the way of provincial autonomy is also abolished through 18th amendment in the constitution. These positive developments in the recent past has led to better sharing in the National resources and devolution/disbanding of several federal ministries and their transfer to the provinces which is a good beginning/step toward addressing the long standing controversy of provincial autonomy and resource distribution.

The question of provincial autonomy and the issue of resource distribution needs to be further addressed as per constitutional provisions and principles of federalism and by adopting multiple criterion of resource distribution leading to the progress and prosperity of the federating units which will ensure the strengthening of National integrity, solidarity through harmony and positive cohesion will be achieved.

  1. Military Cantonments Issue

The Baloch leadership also opposes the establishment of Army Cantonments in different Baloch districts as they believe that the raising of cantonments in the Baloch areas will not only undermine the authority of Baloch chieftains but with these establishments, there will be exceptional growth in the civilian population particularly those from Punjab and other provinces who will permanently settle down on Baloch lands which will bring changes in the demography of the province reducing the Baloch nation to minority status. Limiting these of no effect as has been happening in the case of Karachi.

  1. Inception of Mega-Projects

The Baloch chieftains have also given an impression to their masses that the mega projects in the province particularly the development of Gwadar deep sea port and exploitation of huge mineral wealth in different parts of the province are not going to benefit the Baloch population and their province as they believe these projects are aimed to exploit and export the resources of the province at throw-away prices with very minimal sharing given to the province and that these projects will also attract a large number of other ethnic groups to the provinces which they believe are an attempt by the federal government to distort the demographic composition of Balochistan.

The opinion/belief of the Baloch leadership is not well founded. The Commencement of mega projects in the province and the establishment of cantonments in different parts of the province are the real steps towards progress and prosperity of the backward province and its population. With the commencement of Mega Projects, the region will attract more investment and technology leading to revenue generation through employment and employment of the valuable mineral resources. This Mis-impression that the commencement of Mega Projects and construction of Military cantonments are actually the tools of occupation and are aimed at changing of the demography of the province needs to be dispelled through serious efforts/dialogue process to convince the misguided population to join hands with the government for their own progress and prosperity.

  1. Gas Development Surcharge Issue

The issue of the Gas development surcharge has long been agitated by the Baloch Nationalist leaders. According to the Baloch Nationalist leaders, the gas development surcharge on well-head prices is being formulated decades back, which has not been reviewed and rationalized at par with that surcharge approved for the other provinces for the same mineral wealth. According to the Nationalist version, the well-head prices on the new oil-wells in the other provinces is several times high than that approved for the Balochistan province thus putting the province in great financial loss.

This is a genuine issue which needs to be attended and addressed from a rational perspective otherwise this issue could be exploited by the nationalist elements of Balochistan who are already clamoring for their rights and are in the course of fomenting trouble in the province.


  1. Largest Area With Lowest Population

The Province of Balochistan is the largest Province of the country in terms of area which equals about 44 % of the total land mass of the country. The total population of the province is 6.5 million as per 1988 census. The population of Balochistan has however reportedly grown up to 8.8 million until the year 2008 which is highly scattered and disseminated in the rural areas. In the tribal and semi-tribal society, the peoples have very strong affiliations and sentimental attachments with their ancestral lands and as such are not inclined to coverage at common settlement so that the basic amenities of life and civic services are extended to a large number of rural population at common settlement. So the development of the basic infrastructure and provision of basic civic facilities to the highly scattered population is a highly complex phenomenon.

  1. Abundant un-tapped Resources.

The Province of Balochistan in spite of having huge mineral resources had been facing financial constraints as its resources could not be exploited because of lack of technology, human and financial constraints also due to political and security reasons; and as such its own proven resources could not be utilized/invested for the improvement of infrastructure, progress and prosperity of the province as well as its masses.

  1. Low Socio-Economic indicators.

In the Province the basic infrastructure facilities i.e. communication network is quite poor while the supply of energy is also limited which are the most essential requirements for the socio-economic activities and development. Resultantly, neither the mineral wealth of the Province could be exploited nor could any Industrial base be provided in the Province for the socio-economic development of the Province. Agriculture is otherwise a major profession as 70 % of the rural population is directly/indirectly engaged in Agriculture activities but the Agriculture sector could also not be promoted for various reasons; mainly due to the fact that the Province is arid and semi arid region with low precipitation and high rate of evaporation. Beside, the Province is located outside the Indus river system which is the main source of irrigation in the country. The non-availability of adequate quantity of water has remained the main reason for agriculture backwardness which is otherwise a major source of livelihood for the majority of the population. Therefore, neither the common man could improve their living standards nor the Government has been able to address the problem of water scarcity in the province. Though concrete steps were to be taken for the progression of the agricultural activities to ensure food security and make Agriculture a profitable profession for a large population of the province.

  1. Tribal/Semi-Tribal Society

The society of the Province is Tribal and Semi Tribal in nature and the tribal chief and Sardars still exercise considerable influence over their tribes. The tribal elder normally holds large agriculture assets and control over the water resources, and the same Sardars simultaneously are also elected as representatives in the Provincial and National Assemblies. Obviously, it’s quite natural that these Tribal Sardars discourage and disagree with the development plans, promotion of education which in the long terms undermine their stakes and authority in their native areas.

  1. Accumulated Deprivation.

The Province of Balochistan has since long opposed the population being sole criteria for resource distribution from the National Divisible pool. The province has always contested its case that the other important factors such as area, inverse population, poverty, backwardness and tax collections capacity may also be taken into account along with the population. Moreover, the Province had been constantly demanding the royalty and Gas development surcharge at par with that fixed for the other Provinces. This issue has remained unsettled for the last many decades and has created acute mistrust between the Province and the Federation. Moreover, the Province of Balochistan has for long many years been contesting its case for the grant of Provincial autonomy as envisaged in the constitution and also advocated the abolishment of the concurrent list. Unfortunately, these issues remained unsettled with the exception of some positive steps taken in the recent past which has brought betterment in the distribution of resources from the National Divisible pool. Devolution of some of the subjects to the Province from the Federal Ministries is also an important step, otherwise the same should have been devolved to the Provinces after with abolishment of one Unit, the raising of 4 Provinces in the country and the formulization & approval the constitution 1973.

  1. Long & Porous International Borders.

The Province of Balochistan shares a 1200 km long porous border with Afghanistan along with its eight districts and a 926 Km long border with Iran along with its five districts. In addition to this, we have a coastline of 1129 km and it is almost impossible to keep an eye upon the entire border. Furthermore, the population on either side of the international border belongs to the same ethnic groups having the same culture and relationship with each other therefore, the cross border movement is quite on the high side. Moreover, the vehicular movement carrying food and other commodities across the borders is also frequent. The same corridor also makes it relatively easier for the smugglers, arms and drugs paddlers to carry out their nefarious activities and aggravate the law and order situation in the Province. Surely with the new developments in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s leading role in the war against terror, the terrorist elements also infiltrates through the porous borders and accomplish their sabotage activities within our territorial limits.

  1. Highest Per Capita Development Costs.

The development cost per capita in the province is quite high as compared to other Provinces for the simple reason of its expended physical distances and disseminated / scattered settlements. Besides, the deep rooted cultural values of the indigenous dwellers having strong attachments with their ancestral lands, coupled with their unwillingness to settle down at common settlements where the basic infrastructure and other civic facilities could be ensured at a relatively low cost, are the reasons for highest per capita development cast in the province.

  1. Highest Governance Costs.

Administratively the Province of Balochistan comprises on six Divisions, thirty Districts and 106 sub-divisions. The rural Districts of the Province spans over an area of many 100 Sq km. The maintenance of law and order in 90% of the area is the responsibility of the levies force working under the administrative control of Deputy Commissioners and overall supervision of the Home Department.  Whereas, the police is responsible for the law & order and security duties for only about 10 % of the Province. Thus the governance cost for maintenance of law and order in the expended area of the Province for its poor communication (road network) goes highest compared to other provinces. The persistently low-level insurgency, target killings, ethnic and sectarian violence, terrorist and sabotage activities, kidnapping for ransom and increase in the highway crimes has also escalated the costs of governance requiring extra security measures to contain and control the increasing crime with its changed pattern. The Province of Balochistan due to its meager resources is running short of funds for meeting the demand for required, manpower, equipments, transport and communication facilitates to effectively control the law and order in the province.

  1. Limited Revenue Base.

The Province of Balochistan has got quite a limited revenue base and unfortunately the same could not be expended in the Province. The major revenue source of the Province includes royalty on non-metallic minerals, Fisheries, excise duties, revenue taxes on immovable property, registration fee, Agriculture and irrigation taxes which otherwise constitute only 7 % of the total due/recoverable taxes whereas 93 % of the taxes in the province are being collected by the Federal Government.

  1. Violation of the Service Quota of Balochistan in Federal Services.

Miscalculation/violation of the service quota of the Province in the Federal Services since 1970 has also caused serious resentment amongst the educated youth of the Province. During the previous regime a Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind MNA with all the MNAs and Senators from Balochistan as members. The Committee took up the case with the Establishment Division and came up with the findings/report that since 1970 the share of Balochistan Province in the Federal Services is being violated and there is a shortfall of 101 posts in the quota of Balochistan Province for the reason that other provinces have exceeded from their due share and quota. Hence the issue is taken up with the Federal Government and recouping of the quota of Balochistan Province by inducting the officer of Provinces in the Federal Government through transparent mechanisms and criteria. Had the quota of Balochistan Province been ensured since 1970, by this time a large number of Officers from Balochistan Province would have been inducted and elevated to the senior policy formulation positions in Federal Government and that would have contributed to the strengthening of the Federation.


No doubt the Baloch nationalist do not seem to have strength to secure the separation of Balochistan but they do have nuisance value coupled with the external elements that have an capability to damage transport and communication network and also target the para military forces and innocent ones through Guerrilla Warfare thereby disturbing normal life in the province. having served for most of the part of my service as a civil servant in the Baloch area and having a level of intimacy with all most all the current generation Baloch political leaders  I have a strong belief that Baloch as a nation are brave, loyal, respectable and traditional people, we shall win the hearts of Balochs by ensuring their self-respect and restoring the trust deficit which has developed and widened over a period of time. Assuring the common Baloch that he has as rights as that of any other citizen of Pakistan and practical manifestation of the same will transform the present day Baloch young into the patriotic and loyalist Pakistani second to none.

  1. Rather than imposing a decision from above let’s get to the forum of dialogue both the government and Tribal Chief should avoid the use of force and power. The government shall restore the confidence of the people and the Tribal Chief shall guarantee the development of area through mega projects.
  2. The Provincial Autonomy should be granted to the province as envisaged in the constitution of 1973
  3. The federal legislative list and the concurrent legislative list which is through in the shape of the 18th amendment in devolution to different departments and power is agreed to the provinces, but the same to be fully implemented in its actual spirit without any further delay.
  4. The NFC award formula needs to be made more favorable to the provinces on the basis of population, backwardness and physical distances involved.

Under-representation needs serious attention Share of the province in the armed services and federal services are required to be increased

  1. Massive Economic Development in the province shall be undertaken.
  2. The political leaders of the province may be involved in the mainstream politics of the country
  3. The Government should address the reservations of nationalists through meaningful dialogue
  4. The apprehension of the change in the demography of the Gawadar should be addressed in the manner it is addressed in Dubai, UAE.
  5. The Federal Government shall hand over all the work powers of the port including shipping, communication and tax collection to the province
  6. The local population should be given maximum opportunities for employment in the federally funded project
  7. Massive reforms and funding in this fare of education will bring positive changes in the society
  8. Administrative control of all the development projects should be devolved to the province which will create a sense of belonging in the province
  9. Gas royalty formula to be re worked out
  10. The fear of the local people regarding establishment of cantonments shall be addressed
  11. The government should established Merine University, Cadet colleges, Technical Training colleges in all parts of the province, which will help development of the local human resource
  12. Durable peace progress and prosperity of the province can be ensured only through the course of peaceful dialogue and restoration of the confidence of the people of the province.
  13. The federal government shall ensure adequate representation of the generation Balochistan local and domiciles as per 6% quota in the federal government and different organizations under its administrative control to address the grievances of the political representatives and the education new generation having deep influences in the society in the federal government. It is really the test of strategic policy makers to steer the country safely in the face of growing regional and international interference in the affairs of the province.

A multi pronged long and short term strategy is required to be formulated/adopted to address Balochistan Crisis/Issue. A meaningful political dialogue with the nationalist leaders, approval of special economic development package and its implementation on a fast track, addressable of grievances about a human rights violation, general amnesty for all those who give up violence, greater share in the mineral wealth and greater representation in the federal institutions are the steps to restore the trust and confidence of the nationalist leaders and positive steps to restore normalcy in the province. However, if the foreign-sponsored insurgency still continues, it must be suppressed and defeated.


The Balochistan crisis needs the serious attention of those who are at the helm of the affair, to hammer the solution serious, sincere and effective remedial measures are required to be taken before the situation further gets out of proportion and control.

  1. Higher Education, Technical And Vocational Training

The young generation of Balochistan really matters about the future of the province.  The standard of education in Balochistan is really low as compared to the other provinces of the country. The youth of Balochistan find very limited chances of higher education and social interaction with youth and people of other provinces as such they are mostly connected with local politicians who very easily mould the youth according to their own political manifesto and ideology and the young brains are easily polluted.

The best and the most effective measures to combat the situation will be that the govt. shall register at least 500 youths from each district of Balochistan for higher education, technical and vocational training. The opportunities for better education and social interaction with the youth of other provinces will make the youth more enlightened, moderate and tolerant and upon return will have a positive influence in their respective societies eliminating the trends of extremism and anti-state sentiments.

  1. Employment

Unemployment is another serious problem of the youth of Balochistan. The creation of 5000 vacancies under the Balochistan package has hardly meted out 5% of the problem of unemployment in the province. Further that these employments are hardly provided any merit basis, but were shared by the Provincial Ministers. The fire of stomach and employment on the basis of favoritism, nepotism in violation of all the norms of merit can lead the youth to indulge in the anti-state activities as un-employed youth can very easily be exploited/misguided by the anti-state and anti-social elements and indulged into anti-state and anti-social activities.

It is therefore in the fitness of the affair that the Govt. shall create 30,000 vacancies in different departments and recruitment shall be made purely on merit through Public Service Commission. The employment opportunities for the youth will contain youth from falling into the hands of anti-state and anti-social elements.

iii. Induction of Provincial Civil Servant in the Federal Bureaucracy Against Violated Quota.

The quota of Balochistan province in the Federal service in different pay scales i.e. BPS-01 to BPS-21 has been fixed as 3.5% according to a census of 1972, when the total population of Pakistan was 65.309 million. But since 1972 the approved quota i.e. 3.5% of the province in the federal service was not observed resulting into shortfall in the provincial representation at the federal services. During the previous Government, a senate committee was constituted under the chairmanship of SardarYar Mohammad, MNA from Balochistan with all the MNAs and Senators represented in the committee to probe into the issue/violation of the quota of Balochistan province in the Federal Services. The committee gave its findings and recommendations duly endorsed by the establishment division, govt. of Pakistan.

According to the finding of the committee, during the period from 1972-1993 against the total 496 posts in B-17 against 3.5 shares of the province, only 406 officers were appointed and as such a shortfall of 90 vacancies existed in the quota of initial recruitment in BPS-17. The committee further traced out that during the period from 1993-2002 against 75 officers/vacancies in the BPS-17 quota of Balochistan, only 64 were appointed and 11 vacancies have remained clear in a share of Balochistan province. Hence the total shortfall of 90+11=101. The committee further painfully observed that the shortfall quota of 101 posts in Balochistan province since 1972 is being allocated to the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and FATA.

Further that according to a census of 1998, the total population of Pakistan is 132.35 million whereas the population of Balochistan is 6.56 million, making 4.96% of the total population of the country and as such the service quota of the province is also enhanced to 5.8%. But the enhanced service quota of the province in the view of 1998 census figures is not been observed in the Federal services. If the service quota of the province is calculated as per 1998 census on the basis of 5.8%, many more posts in the Federal services would be added to the share of the province.

The representation of the officer of Balochistan in the Federal services i.e Government and semi Government organizations have remained minimal which has caused a sense of deprivation and is believed a denial to join the mainstream which has further developed very unhealthy impacts on the civil servants and political circles of the province, which have a deep influence in the society.

Though all the 101 shortfall posts in the share of the province in the Federal services falls in B-17, but the said shortfall is since 1972 and now at this stage filling all these posts through initial recruitment will not serve the purpose. If the services quota had been observed in true spirit from the day first, today a sufficient number of officers from the Balochistan province would have been able to find a place in the senior bureaucracy in the Federal services. Since the miscalculation and encroachment in the share of Balochistan has occurred at the Federal level, therefore now at this belated stage filling up of these shortfall of 101 vacancies through initial recruitment will not serve the purpose. In order to ensure due representation of the officers from Balochistan province in the Federal bureaucracy, these 101 posts needs to be filled from amongst the civil officers of Balochistan Civil service in BPS-19, BPS-20, BPS-21, BPS-22 through lateral entry schemes so that appropriate representation of province in the federal government at senior level is ensured which will not only guarantee better prospect of grooming of  the officers of the provincial service better representation of the case of Balochistan province on federal level and will also enhance mutual understanding and strengthen our National integrity and further that the civil servant from the Balochistan province will present the cases of Balochistan province in a more appropriate way which will also restore the trust and confidence of the civil servant and common people of the province in the federal government. It is always apprehended in the province that beside violation of service share in some instances, individuals from other provinces holding bogus domicile and local certificates of Balochistan are also inducted in Federal service against the quota of Balochistan which needs to be checked and ensured that none is accommodated in the Federal services on the basis of bogus domicile of Balochistan.

  1. Development Package

Balochistan is still backward province of the country and deserves to be paid social attention to bring it at par with other provinces. A special development package shall be announced for the province of Balochistan for improvement of the basic infrastructure to pave the way for further development, industrialization leading to civilization and mainstream politics in the province. Agriculture, Mineral, Livestock, and Fisheries in the province have great potential to progress so these areas need to be specially focused so that the common masses are benefited from the development in these areas. Further that Energy is also a main hurdle in the progress of the province, creating a sense of deprivation. The electricity and Gas transmission needs to be further extended to the interior of the province.

It is a common saying that communication is civilization. The extension of communication facilities must be attended on priority, particularly the long pending completion projects of N.H.A. need to be completed at the earliest possible to fulfill the president’s agenda of fast development of the backward areas of the country and fulfillment of his promise to safeguard the provincial rights.


  1. Meaningful Dialogue With the Influential Nationalist Leaders

The president as the prime minister on number of occasions have admitted the mishandling of the Balochistan problem, the discrimination, deprivation through denial of their legitimate rights and have publically apologized for the policies of the past and have further assured/guaranteed all legitimate rights and resolution of the issues through meaningful dialogue. But in spite of the above, no initiative has been taken toward commencement of dialogue process. The authorities at the helm of affair at the federal as well as provincial level needs to initiate the dialogue process with the actual and influential hardliner and nationalist leadership including Nawab Khair Buksh Marri, Sardar Atta Ullah Mengal, Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, Dr. Abdul Hai Baloch, Dr. Abdul Malik. The moderate Nationalist leaders’ Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi, Sardar SanaUllah Zehri, Mir Israr Ullah Zehri, Sardar Saleh Mohammad Botani, Sardar Fateh Mohammad Hasni, Talal Akbar Bugti can also play important role in the mediation of the situation. Amongst Pashtoons and religious leaders Nawab Ayaz Jogezai, Mehmood Khan Achakzai, Bismillah Khan Kakar, Sardar Gul Mohammad Khan Jogezai,  Abdur Rahim Mandokhail, Akram Shah, Jaffar Khan Mandokhail, Dr. Inayat Ullah Khan, Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haidri, Maulana Abdul Wasey, Maulana Abdul Bari can play effective roles in the dialogue/mediation process.

  1. Recovery of the Missing Persons

Hundreds of young Balochs are claimed to be missing, which has caused serious resentments amongst the political circle as well as common masses and it is a common perception that these missing persons have been taken away by the intelligence agencies. The recovery of the missing persons is the most agitated demand of the nationalist leaders and the effected families. The cases of missing persons needs to be addressed and the missing person if in the custody of the agencies with certain allegations against them shall be presented before the court of law and tried for the charges against them so that their cases are decided in due process and course of law and they are given the opportunity to defend themselves against the charges. The recovery of missing persons and the disposal of their cases through the judicial process will be a great relief and will be a positive gesture on the part of authorities and a positive and constructive step leading to further settlement of different issues through a dialogue process.

iii. Depoliticizing of Civil Administration

The civil servants have entrusted an important role in the affairs of the province. They are responsible for the implementation of the policies and decisions of the political government within the framework of rules and regulations. The present-day administration in the province is completely politicized. The mass posting of favorites on important positions in the civil service and police administration in violation of the laid down procedure criterion of merit is the major reason of the erosion of the writ and authority of the state and the major cause of poor governance in the province. The transfer/posting of the civil servant on political grounds with complete disregard to efficiency and seniority has eroded the sense of responsibility. Efficiency, professional capability, honesty and integrity are no more the criterion for postings and promotions.

The civil administration and police department needs to be completely depoliticized. Merit and tenure based posting needs to be encouraged, enabling the civil servant to perform their efficient role without fear and favor in maintenance of law and order and balanced, sustainable socio-economic development of the province. Otherwise, if the present politicized administration continues at the cost of efficiency and merit. The law and order in the province will further deteriorate and the objective of the supremacy of law, justice, equity and socio-economic development will be seriously defeated.