Health and Safety of Coal Miners in hazard-prone coal mines in Balochistan”
Health and Safety of Coal Miners in hazard-prone coal mines in Balochistan”
Dr Rabia zafar

Balochistan is richly endowed with natural resources. The Exploration & Mining history of Balochistan dates back to the 19th Century, during which coal and chromite reserves were discovered. The province possesses numerous minerals including gold/copper, lead-zinc, coal, chromite, iron ore, marble, barytes, sulphur, manganese, quartzite and limestone. Balochistan has the largest reserves of copper and […]

Balochistan is richly endowed with natural resources. The Exploration & Mining history of Balochistan dates back to the 19th Century, during which coal and chromite reserves were discovered. The province possesses numerous minerals including gold/copper, lead-zinc, coal, chromite, iron ore, marble, barytes, sulphur, manganese, quartzite and limestone. Balochistan has the largest reserves of copper and gold in the world with estimated reserves of 412 million tons in Saindak and 5.87 billion tons in Rekodiq. Huge reserves of coal estimated to be 217 Million Tons are present at Duki, Harnai, Degari, Mach, Ziarat, Chamalang and Quetta. 273 Million Tons reported reserves of iron deposits are also available in Balochistan.

The mining industry is invariably threatened by several hazards and uncertainties of varying nature including Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), environment, operations, regulations, politics, finance, and economy. Some of the common causes of mine accidents include dust and noise, blasting, explosions due to flammable gases, a conveyor belt fire, and inundation of mud and waste, and rock bursts. Besides that, non-fatal injury includes slips and falls and hand injuries and also more frequently reported in the mining industry. Pakistan, particularly, Balochistan has a terrible record of mine accidents due to non-compliance of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) protocols in underground mining. The Occupational Health and Safety (OSH), conditions in Pakistan have been in-need of an urgent revamp whether, the legislations, the implementation of laws, the data collection or the resources required. During the last 7 years, more than 450 causalities have been reported in various accidents in Balochistan coal mines. Mine accidents not only cause damage to the human life but also demoralize the confidence of investors and thus hampering the growth of mining industry.

Author, Dr. Rabia, while working on the development of mines and mineral development in Balochistan, on project titled “Health and Safety of Coal Miners in hazard-prone coal mines in Balochistan” funded by the Australian Small Grant Scheme sector, set of new precedent to conduct research on development the Mining sector in Balochistan. This project not only has sensitized the Government of Balochistan for mineral sector development in the context of recurring disasters and their consequences but also instigated the academia to bring further interventions in the health and safety sector of coal mines.

In Balochistan, the narrow tunnel inside coal mines leads to the depth of more than 8 feet underground from where the coal has extracted and transported to the above ground. This underground mining at the depth of 8 ft imposes a greater health risk to the labour. Moreover, underground coal mines are mainly without ventilation system and mines for dug without following international standards. Due to all these issues, mine roof collapse, leakage of different gases, electric short circuits and extensive deep underground coal mining are amongst the most hazardous reasons of coal mine accidents. Further deep coal mining practices make it impossible for colliers to be evacuated from mines in case of an accident. The threat to the lives of colliers is further aggravated due to their ignorance towards safety standards and equipment. Colliers either are not provided with any personal safety equipment or even when provided at a few mines, do not wear them and tend to ignore the risk associated. Moreover, personal safety equipment for coal miners is not part of the Coal mines Regulations 1926. This also shows that the government has not strictly imposed the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) rules and regulations on mining fields.

To improve the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) of coal miners, it is strongly recommended that a limit be imposed on the extent to which deep underground coal mining can be dug. Moreover, proper ventilation, guard against leakage of gases, electric short circuits and planned evacuation mechanism in case of mine collapse be ensured while digging coal mines. Proper training be conducted for coal miners, highlighting the importance of personal safety equipment and coal miners be provided with proper uniforms, gloves, gas detector tools, safety shoes, and electric safety lamps. Under the project, the author has organized training sessions besides providing proper uniforms and safety equipment to trainees, in January 2019.

The government of Balochistan to ensure compliance with these measures through surprise checks and audits. Moreover, public and private enterprises can also be engaged to set a monitoring mechanism which can guard against the exploitation of poor mining workers and help implement all health inspection protocols. Keeping in focus Occupational Health and Safety (OSH), the Government of Balochistan has introduced several interventions in its newly formulated Mineral Development policy 2019. Nevertheless, there is still a need to incorporate personal safety equipment in the revised Coal Mines regulations 2019.

Mining is an important economic sector in many developed countries. Balochistan government collected Rs 190 Million from the minerals sector during the financial year of 2021-22. If the government gives proper attention and supervision to the mining sector, it can further enhance the revenue collection and have a positive impact on Pakistan’s economy. If the above suggestions are given due consideration, mining accidents can be reduced to a minimum and maximum advantage can be obtained through effective mining of the natural wealth of the province which can boost the economy of the country in general and herald and industrial boom for the Balochistan province in particular. Govt of Balochistan is providing an enabling environment for realizing the rich mineral potential of Balochistan through improved governance and focused interventions, aiming at encouraging private sector participation to foster development, economic growth and meaningful contribution towards the well-being of the people of the Balochistan – the real owners!