Soaring suicide cases
Soaring suicide cases
Afroz MJ

As Muslims, we are often taught that suicide is forbidden in Islam, and one who commits suicide ends up being in hell. Notwithstanding, suicide is not a national issue or a religious issue, it’s an international issue. Apart from Muslims, there are several other religions including Catholics, though it is a fact that believing in a divine energy is itself a hope to carry on but no one can discriminate or ignore the ones who doesn’t believe in God as it is earlier mentioned, suicide isn’t a religious or a national problem.

According to World Health Organization, 703 000 people or more commit suicide annually. An act that not only affects a family, but also the community, nation or the entire world. With each soul that departs because of suicide leaves the act or the path behind, making it easier for others to follow. Often friends, family, coworkers, and the community as a whole are so affected by suicide and suicide attempts in terms of their health and well-being. When someone commits suicide, their surviving loved ones and friends may feel shocked, angry, guilty, depressive or anxious symptoms, or even suicidal thoughts. One can imagine that if it never started it wouldn’t have grown so rapidly forming a sort of culture. Suicide rates have been increasing and have increased by 30% between 2000–2018. WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said that one person dies every 40 seconds from suicide.

For the last few years, Pakistan has been facing a soaring increase in suicidal cases that has worsened lately. According to statistics, “Suicides represent some 0.9% of all deaths. Pakistan’s death rate, as given by Statistics, is 6.84 per 1000 people. In 2016, the suicide rate in Pakistan was approximately 3.1 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, Similarly, suicides represent 0.03% of all deaths in Pakistan.” Nonetheless, recently there’s been a surge in this major health issue. Every day, between 15 and 35 people in Pakistan take their own lives. Yet, our country sees mental problems and suicidal thoughts as a taboo subject and a shame rather than considering it health insurance. The act of Suicide has increased so much that countries need to fight the problem together and take major steps to prevent it.

There are several causes that can lead someone towards suicidal thoughts and committing them. As individuals, we all are facing certain problems and fighting a battle within that is often unnoticed by the world. WHO states, “Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-19 year-olds.” It is an age when raw emotions are noticed and it is often hard to understand them or even deal with them which compels the young ones to end their lives, when they are not watched and listened by any to make them conceive the problem so they can figure out and master it. Even so, suicidal thoughts can implant in any mind irrespective of age when hopelessness and worthlessness make a place in minds. Such hopelessness can be due to different reasons which makes an individual to commit suicide, for instance domestic issues, financial issues, emotional issues, failure in relationships, bullying and discrimination, domestic abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, long term physical illness, cultural pressure, forced marriages, bereavement, mental health problems and so forth.

Often, most of us are not ready to face certain problems and our mentality isn’t strong enough to handle them and fight them which makes us think that suicide is the relief, a solution to every problem, an end to what we are going through, however, it isn’t a choice for it’s a door of destruction. Most of the time we are so overwhelmed by the darkness that we can’t see the beauty and brightness of stars, that darkness we are enveloped in, makes us forget that every dusk follows a dawn and every cloud has a silver lining. There is always a way, when there is a will. Life is the name of struggle, problems and pain and how one faces them is living. If it were that easy, the world would have been called paradise.

Suicide is surely an alarming issue that has been increasing rapidly, but it is still preventable. Every 10th September is celebrated as the ‘World Suicide Prevention Day to spread awareness regarding it and provide worldwide commitment and action to prevent it. Strategies at all societal levels are necessary to prevent suicide. This covers preventative measures and safeguards for people, families, and communities. By becoming aware of the indicators, encouraging prevention and resilience, and making a commitment to societal change, everyone may contribute to the prevention of suicide. It is important to promote connectedness and identify and support people at risk of suicide. Creating a protective environment, teaching coping and problem-solving skills, strengthening economic support, and accessing and delivery of suicide care are one of the most important steps to be taken to prevent suicide. Suicide is an immature act and each one of us is working and taking steps toward maturity, therefore suicide is never an option.

The writer is a student and a freelance columnist based in Balochistan