Commercialization of Education
Commercialization of Education
Sammi Aziz

Education is something that prepares a better version of you with each passing days. It builds up your personality and the way you look at the world.

Education is one of the basic rights of each and every individual according to the constitution of our country yet we are incapable to provide quality education to the children. Although we have a great number of schools, plenty of teaching staff and the reforms like monitoring system and management committees still the quality education is rarely found in our country Pakistan.
In Pakistan the education system is basically divided into six sections that began from pre-school to primary, middle, high, intermediate and higher secondary school. Pakistan has a very low literacy rate and it is considered to have the second largest out of school population where 22.8 million children are out of schools.
In the name of education we only have infrastructure but not the quality education and this is something effecting the entire situation, even the absence of children from the schools. We are unable to ensure the presence of teachers in the schools in most of the areas of our country and, if the teachers are present they are not honest to assure the availability of quality education. However, teacher absenteeism is one of the basic challenges in our public institutions. The teacher absenteeism rate has always been very high, up to 20 percent in Punjab and 30 percent in KPK. Pakistan is facing ghost schools issues because of a great number of absent teachers.
Similarly, the schools are not groomed enough to be able to provide quality education to the students. There is urgent need to revisit the schools of all the provinces of Pakistan and work on a serious note to bring some sort of reforms in order to bring improvements. There is an high amount of drop outs in the schools because their system is not attractive enough to catch the attention of the students, the curriculum is unproductive and the course taught in the schools is unsuccessful to match the present situations.
Additionally, we are getting a poorly education quality in both public and private schools. A large number of parents having the dream of quality education for their children send them to private schools even by cutting off other vital expenses ironically, the system is alike in both sectors. The major focus of our education system is to make the students prepared for the tests and exams rather than making them prepare for life.
Nevertheless, when it comes to the public schools even they are underfunded by the government but most of the funds goes to pockets of our bureaucrats or education ministers instead of being used in a proper way to provide quality education to the youth. Even if a little amount of those funds are used in education sector that is spent only on the infrastructure of schools like buildings, boundary walls or washrooms but the provisioning of quality education is never the matter of our bureaucrats to be discussed or take action on.
However, the private schools of country have the same attitude when it comes to provision of quality education. Though they take high amount of fees from the parents still they are not able to initiate a system where quality education is being provided. Despite of taking a large amount of money they make a lot of students set in one class sometimes even more than thirty. It does not only effect the learnings of children but it effects their physical and mental health both. It mostly happens from the basic classes that is the initial stage of the children to be familiar with what they are learning but in our schools they are more concern with other issues of classroom rather than focusing on the lectures.
Lastly, our education system needs to come out from making money for themselves and should focus on the future of our nation. Both public and private schools have to ensure the provision of quality education for the youth by providing quality teachers and by making the environment of schools better, safer and flourished that should be able to provide quality. The system should make the entire situation well managed along with an impressive, impactful and interesting environment for the students.