Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Sammi Aziz

The decades-long concept of considering women a vulnerable creature, has initiated since the inception of formation of this globe. Nothing has been changed since then.

Women have been dominated socially, economically and politically by men in in the domain of men in most under-developed states. They have always been taken as secondary to men and their status remains the same in our reluctant society. Women empowerment is a very crucial issue for decades.
Women empowerment is the approach through which a women is empowered and, when a women is endowed, she will have access to equal education, equal political and other such opportunities. It will allow women to be influential to make strategic alternatives and providing her chances to be liberated and autonomous.
When we turn the pages of history, it is obvious that women were never given equal opportunities as compare to men, not in any parts of the world. They have always been suppressed and marginalized in each of the factors of life. They did not even had the right to vote which is one of the fundamental rights of every individual.
In 19th and early 20th century, in the first wave of women empowerment theory that basically contains four waves, articulated the right of women to vote. Similarly, the second wave that initiated with Simon de Beauvoir’s Second Sex (1949), advocates equal social rights for women. Beauvoir discussed the idea of social constructionism, “One is not born a women, and one becomes one”. She perceives that men are considered independent with a free will, while on the other hand women are considered dependent completely in control of circumstances. The third wave that began is 1990s, is the prolongation of the second wave and, the forth wave of feminist theory started in 2012 till present, is more concern with suppression of women in the society.
The forth wave women empowerment theory narrates that a woman should have equal representation in the society, in both public and private affairs. A woman should get equal payment of the work as her fellow male worker is getting.
Gaining an education is an outsized barrier on their way to success and pleasing life. They usually become the victims of early marriages that often takes them to mental instability. Moreover, the word “slut” is used for those females who talk with men, and the word “stud” is used for males who talk with women. Our culture believes that the women who talk with men are shameless and it is considered as an act of shame; while, chatting of men with women is considered as an act of pride.
Women are victims of patriarchal suppression, patriarchy has snatched all the basic rights of women including the right to have an identity of her own. Even when a woman dies, in her funeral call she is labeled with the name of a male of her family member. In addition, each of the women’s wishes, necessities and troubles are determined by her gender role which are basically shaped by the patriarchy.
In Pakistan every year nearly 1,000 women are murdered in the name of honor, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. These are the registered cases only and most of such cases are not even registered mostly those which happen in rural areas, go unreported. Additionally, most of the girls are out of schools in the county and, most of them have never been there. Out of School Children (OOSC) proportion by gender reported that 10.8 million girls are out of schools in the county.
Similarly, it is very tough for a women to find a job and, when after all the troubles that she faces, she is succeeded to get a job, it is mostly low-quality. Ironically, a women is never paid the same amount of money as her male colleagues are getting.
Women empowerment makes women able to know her identity and potential, it develops a sense of improvement in the society, as when a woman has access to education and all other fields of life, the crimes against the women will be less and lesser. It will reduce public and private injustices, preventing domestic violence, social and economic inequalities.
Women empowerment is not only empowering a woman but it is a social development all in all. A society can never be developed when it leaves its women back. When the women of a particular society are backward and, are deprived from their fundamental rights, they are humiliated, raped and killed, their identity is snatched and they are treated lesser being, the society is never flourished.