SEPTEMBER WAR AND PATRIOTISM! September War and patriotism!
SEPTEMBER WAR AND PATRIOTISM! September War and patriotism!
Senator Samina Mumtaz Zehri

The history of the world is full of war exploits, but the history of the Pakistan forces is hardly comparable anywhere in the world. May the world continue to look at you with envy and no one has any choice but to acknowledge your bravery. Pakistan’s history is full of sacrifices. In the history of Pakistan, 6th September is the day of Defense Day which is very important. Responding well to the Indian advances, our brave armed forces guarded the Pakistani borders and forced the cowardly Indian infiltrators to flee, abandoning their weapons and equipment. The war of 1965 is not only a great and historic war for our brave forces, but it is related to seeing the patriotic spirit of the nation during this war. In this Great War, our army, navy, air force and the entire nation gave a crushing response to India on every front and did not allow the enemy to take even an inch of the land of their homeland while crushing the pride of the cowardly Indians. The entire nation salutes and pays tribute to the Pakistani forces, despite the reduction in numbers and the lack of military equipment, our soldiers sacrificed their lives in a grand display of faith, courage, perseverance and bravery. They protected the Pak watan and uprooted the enemy’s feet and became invincible for the defense of the motherland.

Recently the cadets of Pakistan Army have set another example of valor and bravery near Lasbela and made the nation proud. Commander 12 Corps Lt Gen Sarfaraz Ali 2 time (Tamgha-e-Basalt) DG Pakistan Coast Guards Major General.  Amjad helicopter pilot Major Saeed and assistant pilot Major Talha, Engineer Brigadier Khalid of 12 Corps and Crewman Chief Naik Mudassar martyred, who created another history of duty-bound courage and bravery for the country, which the entire nation is proud of. Commander 12 Corps Lt Gen Sarfraz Ali was very kind and a complete professional and honest person.  Their martyrdom is definitely a big blow for the country, but there are many brave soldiers and officers in the Pakistan Army dedicated to the spirit of sacrificing their lives for the country, who are a valuable asset of the Pakistan Army, and the martyrdom of a soldier or officer takes the place of the martyr and keeps the determination against the enemy going continuously. Lt Gen Sarfaraz Ali’s valuable services against terrorism will always be remembered.

The country is established only by the sacrifices of the martyrs and living nations always remember their martyrs. Today, Pakistan is safe and we sleep like peace at night, it is because of these brave soldiers of Pakistan armed forces, whether they belong to Army, Navy or Air Force, those soldiers and officers have always protected the homeland and respect and protection has been considered as the first priority and have sacrificed their lives for the protection of the homeland so that we all can live in peace and tranquility in our beloved homeland. The whole nation knows that our real heroes are the martyrs and ghazis and the nations that forget their martyrs and heroes are lost. The name of the martyr will always shine. A martyr earns a name in this world and becomes a leader in the hereafter. No nation and country can reward the sacrifice of its martyrs. It is established because of the sacrifices of the Pakistan Armed forces and brave Pakistani citizens who laid down their lives for the country, who are a leaden wall in front of the enemies and have always, crushed the nefarious intentions of the enemies.

Allah does not like pride and arrogance, and India immediately after the partition of India was in a state of oblivion that the newly born state would not survive and it would have to merge again with India. The kingdom of Khudadad Pakistan came into existence, which is the abode of the Prophet’s lovers, and emerged as a new power in the world. Pakistanis are a nation whose nature is filled with courage, tolerance, brotherhood and the spirit of faith. This nation faces every difficulty with courage and courage, but when its honor is challenged by faith or towards the Holy Land or if it is seen with a careless eye, it surprises the enemy. Similarly, India was in a state of oblivion and the Indian forces, victims of this oblivion, attacked Pakistan like cowards on September 6, 1965. Taught a lesson which India will remember till the end of the world and this is the reason why India trembles and trembles with the Pakistani army till today.

Our eternal enemy India has not recognized our independence since our independence till today. Whenever India got a chance, it showed its aggression, but every time it had to be fed up. In the 1965 Indo-Pak war, this brilliant tradition was once again defeated. Whole world admitted the fact that Pakistan’s army was much less than the enemy in terms of equipment and tactics, but he ignored India’s large forces and its military power on the basis of faith

Freedom is a great blessing and the value of this blessing is known only to those who are living the life of slavery or who have broken the chains of slavery and gained freedom. It may be easy to get freedom but maintaining freedom is a continuous effort. Today, there is a dire need to enlighten our young generation and especially children about the sacrifices of their forefathers and the sacrifices they made to get Pakistan and to highlight the spirit of love for the motherland.

Due to the tireless work and efforts of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his colleagues, Pakistan came into existence on 14 August 1947. At that time, millions of Muslims sacrificed their lives for the sake of Pakistan.  Our mothers, sisters and daughters were raped. Thousands of young girls ended their lives by jumping into wells to save their lives. At the time of the establishment of Pakistan, there was no strong defense system, the armed forces were not trained enough and the resources despite this, the Pakistan armed forces not only strengthened it, but despite the limited resources, put its eyes in the enemy’s eyes and defended the country.  A sinister plan was made, but the lions of the Pak forces played for their lives. The elders say that the incident of the 1965 war was remarkable. In this incident, not only the soldiers of the army strapped bombs on their chests and destroyed the enemy’s tanks, but the officers were also no less, which raised the morale and morale of the army men, due to which the enemy was badly defeated and self-attacked. The cowardly India was forced to beg the international community for a ceasefire. Our ghazis and martyrs protected this holy land with their blood. The non-Muslim forces of the whole world were disturbed by seeing the spirit of the youth in the 1965 war and even today the whole world is accepting that Pakistan army is the number one army in the world.

The patriots of Pakistan are the people who made all kinds of life and financial sacrifices for Pakistan and faced difficult situations in Pakistan. These people are still protecting the borders of Pakistan. The country has targeted itself, the dead are coming every day, the funerals of the martyrs are being held and instead of mourning the martyrdom of their sons, their parents are happily announcing that they will send their other sons and grandsons to the army to defend the country. It feels like they are earning heaven in this world. Salutations to such parent whose martyrdom of their children strengthens their resolve and passion and there is no difference between the love of motherland and the spirit of sacrificing for it. If you look at it from the other side, you will feel that a handful of conservative and self-interested elements, whose children are busy living a life of luxury in AC rooms, have no concern about Pakistan, but about the Pakistan Army for the sake of the enemies and envious people and their personal interests. I am using wrong words. They will not know about the incidents of Muslims giving sacrifices during the establishment of Pakistan, because such people also got the property from the inheritance of the British. Such people have neither the value of the Pakistan Army nor the lives of the Muslims who sacrificed during the establishment of Pakistan. These people have only one goal to gain their personal interests and speak against the Pakistan Army on the signals of the enemies.

If the role of Pakistan Army is reviewed in our country, it will be known that Pakistan Army has always played the role of the front line in every hour of difficulty. All the work like floods, earthquakes, even heavy rains, corona virus, locusts, and census is done by Pakistan Army. Those who criticize the Pakistan Army have not realized that the soldiers of the Pakistan Army who are protecting our borders are performing their services in the face of intense heat and cold and enemy bullets, they are also the sons of a mother, they also have wives and children  Someone’s father is also someone’s husband and brother, their heart also beats in their chest, their heart also aches to meet their loved ones, their heart also aches to see the faces of their wives, children and parents, but  only for the love of the country and for its protection, they are vigilant on the borders day and night so that the Pakistani nation can sleep peacefully, no fire should befall our country. Today, we salute and pay tribute to the soldiers of Pakistan Armed forces, whose unwavering commitment and passion to sacrifice their lives for the country, we are breathing in the free air, due to their sacrifices; terrorism in the country has been eradicated. It was broken. These are the Pakistani forces that are standing like a leaden wall in front of the enemies and terrorists so that we can live a peaceful life.

Defense Day 2022 is very important because we are facing many challenges. The country is facing political and economic instability. It is also our national responsibility to take care of the safety and interests of the country at such a time. The biggest challenge that is being faced at this time is the damage caused by the recent heavy rains and floods. There is a loss of precious lives and money and we can get out of this challenge only when we have unity and unity like the September 65 war.  AnshaALLAH, we as a nation of Pakistan will get out of this difficult time by coming together and supporting each other. This is not the time for politics, politics can be done later. The biggest problem at the moment is the immediate relief and rehabilitation of the people of flood victims of. The recent rains were 411% more than normal, which made the situation out of control. Hundreds of lives have been lost due to rains and floods, while crops and livestock have been severely damaged; more than 90,000 houses have been partially or completely destroyed, while millions of people have become homeless. Roads, dams, communications, gas, electricity transmission have also been severely damaged. We hope that soon, InshaALLAH, the damages of the affected people will be remedied immediately so that the flood victims of Balochistan can resettle in their homes.

Pakistan is the gift of Allah and His Messenger Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) to us; we all have to play our positive role for its construction, development and protection.  will not let them go in vain and will always maintain the same spirit of faith and determination for the protection, integrity and defense of our beloved homeland Pakistan which was demonstrated by the entire nation during the 1965 war. Be a supporter and supporter of the forces. Long live Pakistan. Long live the Pak Army.