Marine Life extinction and Our National responsibilities
Marine Life extinction and Our National responsibilities
ZarKhan Bezanjo

If we study the world geographically, we find that every region of the earth where the sea is found is called “Paradise” in geographical terms. Because economic development and stability in the world depends on the export and import of a country and about 80 percent of the world’s export and import takes place through the sea. In addition, if we talk about the whole world, 18 to 20 percent of its food is obtained from the seas, while this proportion increases considerably in Asian countries. If we talk about Pakistan, a large part of the daily diet of the people of the coastal areas here consists of marine life. And it would not be wrong to say that fish export is one of the biggest sources of foreign exchange of Pakistan on an annual basis.

Gwadar district which nowadays has become the center of attention not only of Pakistan and China but also of the whole world due to CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor). All the golden dreams shown to the local residents regarding CPEC are in their place, but the ground realities are totally opposite to them. In the beginning, it was being said that with the help of China, Gwadar will be made an international and mega city like Dubai, where the people will be able to use all the basic facilities of life, even though there will be a shortage of local people for employment and workload. To keep the ratio equal, people will have to be brought in from outside. In the present Gwadar, if all the above-mentioned things are present in the documents, then the commanding authorities would hardly know them, but in practice, searching for all these things is nothing but a waste of time.The entire district of Gwadar, from Jiwani to Ormara, is called the Makran Coastal Belt, where about 80 percent of the local population is employed by the sea. The local people here regard the sea as a mother and from which they fulfill the economic needs of their entire family. But for the last few decades it has been widely reported that one Sindh trawler was caught poaching in Gwadar, local fishers of Pasni with the help of the Fisheries Department caught two trawlers said to be from Sindh or it is reported that various trawlers were seen illegal fishing in the sea area of Ormara an Jiwani as well.It feels like all these things are part of our daily life discussion and every resident here is familiar with all these things and commenting on these things is also of interest to us. Why not be interested? The very existence of our lives is linked to the sea which nourishes us by fulfilling our economic needs. As for the trawlers coming from inside the country, they have been exploiting us economically for many decades. Now it has come to the point that the trawlers coming from abroad have also looked at our seas and may have assumed that We will also be deprived of two times daily food.

While our sea has a distinct reputation for producing the best breed of fish in the world, it is also very attractive to trawlers from outside the province and foreign countries. Most of the rare species of fish found in our seas have already become extinct due to fishing by trawlers against international laws and the remaining, it seems that very soon they will also be killed by the greed of the trawler mafia and our hypocrisy. They will go up. It seems that in the next few years, fishermen and people associated with the fishing industry will have no choice but to starve to death. It is not possible to describe in words the miserable life that the people associated with the fishing sector lead. Most of the fishermen and their dependents do not have access to daily food and since the livelihood of the above-mentioned areas is entirely dependent on the sea, markets and small businesses are also badly affected. It would not be wrong to say that the trawler mafia and all the parliamentarians who patronize it, the officers in charge of marine life protection agencies, the heads of law enforcement agencies and the extortionists who support them at the local level and their The brokers are directly responsible for the economic killing of the residents of the entire area, including the fishermen.

There are some necessary rules and regulations to run any system at the international or national level, which are the responsibility of the government agencies to implement, just like there are laws to protect marine life and the government agencies too. , it is different that their existence is limited only in official documents. Among the government institutions, the biggest responsibility in this category falls on the Department of Fisheries. A careful review of the Fisheries Rules reveals that an area of ​​12 to 35 nautical miles from the coast is reserved for local fishermen, where only local people and boats are allowed to hunt but they are also allowed during the specific periods. Hunting is not allowed during the fish spawning season. Entry of non-local and foreign trawlers into the said area is strictly prohibited and penalties under the Fisheries Act are also prescribed for violation. While the area of ​​35 to 200 nautical miles can be used as a passage for domestic and foreign boats and ships, prior license from the Government of Pakistan is mandatory to use this route as well. A separate list of prohibited nets is also part of the Fisheries Rules, often trawlers use these prohibited nets indiscriminately. Due to which the process of fish extinction is going on rapidly.

It is humbly requested to the higher authorities, especially the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court, Advisor Department of Fisheries Balochistan, Chief Secretary of Balochistan, Secretary of Fisheries Department Balochistan, Heads of all law enforcement agencies and local fishermen representatives to be aware. Grab your nails and play your positive role for the survival of marine life.All the mentioned stack holders are requested to consider this issue as a personal issue and play their role to implement the prevailing laws of fisheries on an emergency basis so that the local residents can earn a livelihood with dignity. Moreover, local representatives and all the responsible citizens are also requested to show their responsibility and raise their voices together against the domestic and foreign traveler mafia in every forum and raise their voices in a manner that will make the rulers in the government houses guilty of this heinous crime. Force them to take strict action against all those responsible