In the hours of tribulation, leadership of Balochistan missing    
In the hours of tribulation, leadership of Balochistan missing    
Beberg Baloch

In my last comment, I tried to mention certain facts and figures about drowning Balochistan and how the Balochistan Government and the federation have miserably failed to direct their energies and machinery towards the most neglected and backward province which is facing severe crisis at the moment. I pleaded and appealed that International Donors conference should be called along all stakeholders to come up with the plans for helping flood-stricken masses of the province. But all what we have heard from the quarters concerned were mere statements in media. There is no progress with regard to provision of relief to the flood victims as photo session mafia is dominating the social media in haste of seeking credit.

The credit should be given when it is due and the students and youngsters who are working in the individual or organizational capacity must be appreciated as they are struggling to provide relief to the people on ground. It is the genuine dedication of the youngsters of Balochistan who are on the forefront once again. Historically, whenever Balochistan faced challenges, either of political nature or natural disasters youth never let their people down. But the students, the youngsters who even in this flooded situation are working in shape of relief camps are always on target on multiple fronts. There are proper plans through pattern of people from power corridors to disrupt the students who are contributing for the well being of society and community. It wouldn’t be wrong to argue that the students are strength and the hope of Balochistan. They are proving it through their action while even being on the hit-list always.


This comment isn’t only a pro-student’s narration but rather if factually the things are analyzed, the reality of leadership and government will be exposed. It was reported in media that Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo has met the Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif over calling  an international donors’ conference, but there was no outcome reported over it. The biggest irony is that  spokesperson of Balochistan Government is not present in Balochistan and sitting in country’s capital, far from the drowning masses in the province.


On the other hand,  almost all the entire political leadership either from government or opposition, the so-called representatives of the people are out of sight since the flood wreak havoc in Balochistan.. There are only a few among them which have visited their respective areas but the majority is out of the screen and not being seen anywhere. To mention, the nationalists, ideologically Islamic or pro- federation political parties, all are missing and it wouldn’t be wrong to say expect for a few, majority of them have not visited their respective areas even.


Whereas specifically if the case of Naseerabad is taken, this region has been affected badly as it has some geographical disadvantages due to which the water flow from other areas go down there and wash away the irrigation lands. From the landlords to the farmers, people of all classes are affected. However, the elite save themselves anyhow but the needy poor ones are crying for help. The whole Green Belt of Balochistan is crying for help but neither their native leaders nor anyone else is ready to listen to the miseries of people.


There are reports that death toll is rising, people are dying of hunger and malnutrition and diarrhea and no medical relief is being provided, the agricultural sector has lost all of its harvest.  There are uncountable issues, there is a natural emergency in Balochistan as everything is worsening but still the provincial government has not declared an emergency in the whole province. There are statements roaming in media that PDMA is providing relief and other concerned authorities are saving people live and whatnot. But on ground the reality is different. The grievances of people are still going un-addressed.