Humanity: lost among humans
Humanity: lost among humans
Mahganj Hameed

Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist Mahatma Gandhi well clarified about the humanity and faith”You must not lose Faith in humanity. Humanity is in ocean;If a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirty.”It won’t be wrong to say that in life these both power are being lost which are not being found in anywhere;As it plays a huge role in every spirit but unfortunately which are disoriented among all of us.In this today’s era even a single human can’t be seen in the eye of wisdom, everyone has been lost being real,no one can be seen with the sense of humanity then can anyone tell me why do we exist? What is the purpose of being alive anymore in this stunning world? If humanity and faith doesn’t exist in our lives then it is well cleared that it means we don’t exist.Further, one can show humanity in the shape of anything like help those who needs your help,give comport, support the needy, encourage others the one’s who wants your encouragement and many others you can do but never loss the opportunity when you get the chance of showing the humanity don’t lose the chance of doing it.

Life is nothing only a journey having bundles of restrictions, hardships, difficulties and many kind of problems which can occur an anyone’s live.In life one can pass thousands of hardships but still live your live with happiness,must have faith in your abilities whatever you do in your life and show humanity with everyone the ones who are inferior rather superior. Humanity build your life and help you to grow and move you to fly on the sky and make you able to touch the sky.However,the one who exist in this beautiful world and came for being alive,as everyone wishes to live their lives in those way which they wishes for.The reason behind to get a happy and a beautiful life is to show humanity which can make your life satisfied and enjoyable and make you feel free to live your life the way you want.The word humanity itself shows and describe that be together when it comes to assists and help the society, community and the other nation in their time of need and money so that there must be a moral sense and sensibility among us.In the journey of your life do good things and be good to the people who you live around and try to be the reason of other happiness and bring peace to the life of the people the one’s who has forgotten the name of this word.

Everyone needs happiness in life and wants to get a life which they couldn’t imagine.For getting a well satisfied life just show the humanity whatever way you can then humanity can automatically lead you towards your destiny and to those purpose which you have.

A human can make a good place on other heart by showing humanity to the people but in 21st century humanity doesn’t exist anymore.A great writer well said that humanity is lost and there is too much violence and negativity in the world.Something ha to give,before losing our purpose and meaning of life.I do agree with the writer the main reason behind losing humanity is harmful practices, violence negativity which are still occuring in the countries and among the nation which are demolishing the lives and societies too.It hurts me a lot to mention that the country where I live,there seems no humanity among one another.No one is willing rather ready for someone’s help the one who is suffering in life in the regard of Heath,wealth, malnutrition and many others;One can say that everyone is busy in making themselves.

So,it is clear to everyone without showing humanity no nation can rise and be developed.For developing a country humanity plays a huge role and give it a better shape to the country and the people of the country too.It is high time to be together and help the people and show humanity to everyone so that all of us should live peacefully and get a prosperous lives.