Book Review : Man’s Search for the Meaning
Book Review : Man’s Search for the Meaning
Adnan Baloch

Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the greatest books of Victor Frankl ,who was an Austrian neurologist ,psychiatrist ,philosopher, writer and a Holocaust surviver. Typically if a book has one idea with the power to change a person’s life, then this book has several such passages.

First of all, the book is followed by the survival story of Victor Frankl.During the second world war, Germany had build several concentration camps in which millions of people were tortured to death. Frankl, was one of the prisoners who had experienced the concentration camp during second world war.

In the concentration camp,Frankl had faced many challenges with other fellow prisoners. First challenge that they faced was of hunger. There was shortage of food in the concentration camp. Prisoners often received little food to eat. Due to not getting enough food,they looked pale and weak.

The second challenge they had faced was of diseases. There was a thypus outbreak which killed hundreds of prisoners. Frankl was one of the prisoners who was also effected by thypus but he manage to survive.

The third challenge was the torture which they had received from the guards. In the prison the guards were very cruel toward them. The guards often beat them with no reason. They were often forced by the guards to stand outside of there hut in extreme cold weather without wearing clothes.

Lastly they had faced the evil rules of the prison which were imposed on them. The weak prisoners who were unable to work, were burnt alive in the gas chambers. Frankl with fellow prisoners were challenged to prove themselves time by time that they were strong enough to work.

To sum up,the book deserve reading once and it is a very interesting book with a wonderful message connected to the challenges we face in our lives. And by reading it we will know, what kept Frankl to survive while facing such hard challenges in the concentration camp.