Book review: Darbare Dil
Book review: Darbare Dil
Rajgul Shokath Ali

The writer, Humira Ahmed who did her M.A at Mari college Sayalcot. She has written books , films and dramas . She has written more than 20 books ,” Darbar Dil” is one of the them. It is a great novel which contains 200 pages that is all about betray and fraud.

The story starts from a wrong number whenever the mobile rang then the parents of Mehr received the call but this time she received it and the caller was unknown as the caller called her name so that she became shocked and asked how did he know her; then he answered that he was just calling for her and wanted to talk with her and expressed his feeling after that she asked him who had given her number. He happily answered that he is the lover of her even it became the habit of them to talk with each other. Mehr stared loving her.

Likewise days were going even though one day Munis said to Mehr to meet him as Mehr replied that she could not meet him,so he tried his level best to convince her, but she did not agree for it. Emotionally she said to him that to close this chapter after that day he must not talk about it and he left her for some days.

After a couple of days Munis called and Mehr received it and asked, why are you calling me again? Munis replied innocently that he was in the middle of the road and talking with her ,so after some minutes he shouted as the voice was painful . She asked what happened , he answered that a truck crashed him and requested her to come on the road immediately. Within the time her father reached at the gate; the car horn rang five times,but Mehr was lost in her thoughts after some minutes, she opened the gate,but was looking strange.

When Mehr’s father entered at her room, saw that Mehr is unconscious; he took her at hospital,so she was unconscious for fourteen hours in these fourteen hours; she only took the name of Munis, so parents were surprised who is Munis. When she became conscious,her parents asked her who is Munis, your were taking the name? She answered that she watched a movie so from the movie a boy namely Munis who got accident so that her condition was likewise, and her father believed her.

Mehr’s life changed completely as she didn’t care herself as well others. They married her with a boy namely Murad. One day her husband called one of his best friends namely Munis(the boy who lied to Mehr). On the dinning table Munis narrated the fake act as he had done with Mehr. When Mehr listened their discussion,took the car and drove it as fast as it could go– met an accident and lost her life.

I really appreciate the writer who wrote this book in such a way if anyone reads it; can know what is happening in the world .

At the end,I recommended you to read this book once because these things are happening in Balochistan. If you are going to deceive someone may they love you more than their lives,so take care,and save yourself.