Every live matters
Every live matters
Remeil Aliyar

This world has become so terrifying that no one knows where death is following me. I can die from a bullet by a robber, I can die in an accident, I can die speaking for truth, I can die in a blast, I can die due to a misunderstanding, I can die because of my religion, caste or even gender.

All these incidents have become so common that the news of a blast does not shock us anymore. For, we are aware of how the world has changed in the name of development and advancement. We feel sorry when someone is killed by robbers, we get angry when any state agency kills an innocent but lives have become so cheap that no one’s live matters.

Blood flows like water on grounds after blasts and we just have condolences. On 4 August 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, exploded, causing at least 181 deaths, 6,000 injuries, US$10–15 billion in property damage, and leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless.

Thousands of such incidents took place every year costing thousands of lives. Maybe someone among them is the only bread-winner in their family. What should the family members do? There is nothing they can do except pushing the children to work for bread and once again poverty rules.

A piece of land, Kashmir, that is also known as the earth on paradise blossoms with the bloods of Kashmiris and the world only sees it as an entertainment serial. For a long, PM Imran khan is trying to convince Modi to sit on negotiating table but looks like they are enjoying killing without reason. The brutality has reached on top in Kashmir and the UN does not act, despite promising peace in the world.

Today, the grounds of London and Washington are filled with ones who are demanding for their rights, shouting, “Black lives matter”. But the question is do they actually matter? If they would then would racism rule everywhere? Do I or you matter? Tomorrow, if someone kills me for no reason will I get justice? I will. I have to get justice. I must get justice because I matter.

Every single life matters. George Floyd needs to get justice because his life mattered.  Everyone is born with dreamful eyes and a hopeful heart.