Fragile Peace & Quest for Dialogue
Fragile Peace & Quest for Dialogue

The road to peace in Balochistan is long and arduous. It will require patience, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to dialogue and reconciliation. While the recent efforts by women leaders are a positive development, they must be complemented by a comprehensive strategy that addresses the underlying causes of the conflict. Only through a concerted and sustained effort can Balochistan hope to achieve lasting peace and stability.

The time for half measures is over. The stakes are too high. It is incumbent upon all stakeholders, including the government, civil society, and the Baloch people themselves, to come together and work towards a shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous Balochistan. The future of Balochistan hangs in the balance. Let us choose the path of dialogue, understanding, and cooperation.

The specter of instability continues to cast a long shadow over Balochistan. While recent overtures towards dialogue, particularly the press conference initiated by women members of the provincial assembly, are commendable, they represent only a first step on a long and arduous journey. The underlying challenges, exacerbated by the growing influence of groups like the Baloch Yakjati Committee (BYC), demand a more comprehensive and nuanced approach.


The BYC’s increasing popularity is a stark reminder of the deep-seated grievances that persist in the region. The call for dialogue issued by the committee’s Dr. Mahrang Baloch, which prompted the women MPs’ press conference, highlights the complex dynamics at play. While it is essential to encourage all voices to be heard, it is equally important to recognize the potential for such platforms to be exploited for propaganda or to obscure the core issues.


The women leaders who convened at the Quetta Press Club rightly emphasized the importance of peaceful dialogue and the rule of law. Their commitment to these principles is laudable. However, it is equally crucial to acknowledge that mere rhetoric will not suffice. Concrete actions are needed to address the root causes of discontent, such as economic marginalization, lack of development, and alleged human rights abuses.


It is imperative to create an environment where all segments of Baloch society feel included and heard. This includes engaging with Baloch nationalists, students, and youth, who often bear the brunt of the conflict. By understanding their aspirations and grievances, policymakers can develop policies that are more responsive to the needs of the people.


The security establishment must adopt a more nuanced approach. While counter terrorism operations are essential, they should be conducted with utmost care to avoid civilian casualties and alienating the population. Building trust between the security forces and the local communities is paramount to creating a conducive environment for peace.


Balochistan’s path to peace is fraught with challenges, and a singular focus on dialogue, while necessary, is insufficient. A multifaceted strategy is required, encompassing political, economic, and social dimensions. The government must demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing the region’s needs through targeted development initiatives, job creation, and improved governance. Simultaneously, civil society organizations must play a vital role in fostering dialogue, building trust, and promoting reconciliation.

