Anwar-ul-Haq pushes for intensified anti-polio drive
Anwar-ul-Haq pushes for intensified anti-polio drive
Our Reporter

QUETTA: Coordinator of the National Emergency Operation Center, Captain (R) Anwar-ul-Haq, emphasized the need for an effective anti-polio campaign and improvements in routine immunization to completely eradicate the polio virus. He stated that only three to four effective anti-polio campaigns are required to fully eliminate the virus. This year’s situation is not better compared to last year, with environmental samples testing five times more positive than before. However, he reassured that efforts to eradicate the polio virus remain steadfast and determined.

He shared these thoughts during his visit to Balochistan while presiding over a high-level meeting on polio eradication at the Zhob Division Commissioner’s office.

The meeting was attended by Provincial EOC Coordinator for Balochistan Inam-ul-Haq Qureshi, Deputy Commissioner Zhob Mahboob Ahmed Achakzai, Technical Focal Person from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Dr. Najeebullah Marwat, and others.

Captain (R) Anwar-ul-Haq was briefed about the recent polio case in Sohrab Goth, Zhob, and the ongoing anti-polio efforts. He noted that the focus is on improving the quality of the anti-polio campaign, as even minor negligence can lead to polio cases. Improved routine immunization will help prevent the appearance of the polio virus. Three additional anti-polio campaigns are planned for this year, scheduled for September, November, and December. He also mentioned that the anti-polio measures taken by neighboring Afghanistan are commendable, and efforts are being made to synchronize upcoming campaigns with Afghan authorities.

Regarding Balochistan, Captain (R) Anwar-ul-Haq highlighted the province’s importance to Pakistan and acknowledged the numerous challenges it faces compared to other provinces. Frontline workers are dealing with cultural barriers and adverse conditions, and the population is dispersed. Despite these challenges, all resources will be utilized to ensure the eradication of polio from the region. He emphasized that only those children suffer from polio who are missed by vaccination due to negligence. Parents must ensure their children receive polio drops to prevent lifelong disability and burdens.