Quddus Bizenjo submits privilege motion against CM Balochistan
Quddus Bizenjo submits privilege motion against CM Balochistan
Saadullah Akhtar

QUETTA: The prime detractor of Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani, Speaker BA Abdul Qudus Bizenjo on Friday filed privilege motion against Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani, Finance Minister Zahoor Buledi and Senator Sarfraz Bugti in provincial privilege committee.

QUETTA: The prime detractor of Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani, Speaker BA Abdul Qudus Bizenjo on Friday filed privilege motion against Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani, Finance Minister Zahoor Buledi and Senator Sarfraz Bugti in provincial privilege committee.

Amid exchange of harsh rhetoric the Speaker Quddus Bizenjo has urged the privilege committee to call explanation from CM Jam Kamal, Zahoor Buledi and Senator Bugti for exploiting Speaker’s privilege who is custodian of the house.

“Under Article 19 of the constitution and being Speaker and an ordinary citizen of Balochistan, I have right of freedom of speech but Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani called me as a sentimental person which exploited my privilege.” Speaker Quddus Bizenjo said in his privilege motion also submitted separate motions against Finance Minister Zahoor Buledi and Senator Sarfarz Bugti for their statements against Speaker.

Responding to Bizenjo’s allegations and rhetoric against CM Balochistan on national media, Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Aliyani on Thursday said, I am ready to face no-trust move called Bizenjo’s statements as his own views,

“Speaker Bizenjo can better define in which context he had given statement against performance of provincial government but I am ready to face no-confidence move.” Jam Kamal said while talking to media on Thursday evening during Ministers’ oath taking ceremony.

He further said, I have been hearing hearsays regarding no-trust move since I took oath as Chief Minister Balochistan.

Senator Sarfaraz Bugti who stood shoulder to shoulder with Bizenjo when had filed no-confidence motion against the then Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Khan Zehri reminded Bizenjo that he is part of Balochistan Awami Party’s core committee,

“Dear Quddos before reaching out to media with your concerns, you must have discussed within party.” Senator Bugti said called the step as ill-intended and will never be succeeded.

Responding to the privilege motion the Finance Minister Zahoor Buledi has offered to assist the Speaker Bizenjo regarding rules of business of provincial assembly,

“Needless to mention this post demands from Bizenjo to be impartial and non-partisan what to talk of hatching conspiracies and bringing bad name to the constitutional post.” Buledi responded to Speaker after he filed privilege motion against him.

However, despite the simmering political heat in Balochistan’s politics Speaker Qudus Bizenjo has addressed the news conference and vowed to move forward in better interest of people of Balochistan,

“The governing system in Balochistan has completely halted while people of Balochistan don’t have access of Chief Minister House thus I was compelled to speak-up for masses instead of sit silence in interest of Balochistan Awami Party.” Quddus Bizenjo said added rhetoric against Speaker is tantamount of speaking against the constitution.

Responding to a question regarding privilege motion against Chief Minister he said, the MPAs and Ministers should refrain from speaking against Speaker because being custodian of the house I have been representing the house comprising on all treasury and opposition members.

He further claimed that I have full support of like-mined members of Balochistan Awami Party and opposition members adding toppling Jam Government was a piece of cake but the situation would be unveiled in next four and five days.

“In 2018, I commence movement against the then PML N ‘s Chief Minister but received support of majority members, this time again I am alone but I will continue my endeavour for good governance in Balochistan.” Bizenjo added.

Corroborating the stance of Speaker Quddus Bizenjo former Minister Mir Sarfaraz Domki has rendered his full support with Bizenjo added concerns I pointed-out being emerged as other leaders of Balochistan Awami Party turned dissent from CM Balochistan,

“The Party shouldn’t spoiled due to bad performance of a single individual because we formed Balochistan Awami Party in order to secure provincial rights.” Domki added.