Khuzdar facing acute water shortage
Khuzdar facing acute water shortage
Ishaq Hayyat
Today in News – 2

QUETTA: The acute water shortage is turning into a risky situation in outskirts of Khuzdar. It is said that 50 percent of neighborhood is baring acute water shortage and the water tankers taking the advantage of water shortage charging handsome amount from citizens.

QUETTA: The acute water shortage is turning into a risky situation in outskirts of Khuzdar. It is said that 50 percent of neighborhood is baring acute water shortage and the water tankers taking the advantage of water shortage charging handsome amount from citizens.

According to the residents of area, the government has allocated large sum of money to ensure provision of drinking water to the residents, but seemingly, the allocated monay was misused.

The former Chief Minister of Balochistan, Sardar Sana Ullah Zehri, had allocated 25 million rupees to avert water crisis from the city, but no one knows where the money went.

According to a report, since last couple of years, 700 tube wells were distributed between the members of political parties to install in the area, but on the ground no tube was installed in the area.

According to the residents, it seems that the government is unaware about the issue of water shortage in Khuzdar city, or there is not even a single formula with government to resolve this issue.